To all those complaining about a slow update I understand I love this manga too but DID YALL NOT READ THE NOTICE?!! Like their uncle has terminal cancer have some dang sympathy! Yes its slow updates but they r still updating. Give them some time to get their life together gosh- dear translator- please take ur time and don't apologize about slow updates I understand
I think they should drop the series and pass it onto someone else, ima be so fr (not being disrespectful here) but a lot of people here don’t care and just want to read, imo I think they should drop the series and spend time with their family rather than keeping us all waiting because of personal problems. But overall I do wish that the translators uncle gets better.
It took him an embarrassing amount of time to figure out yanu was a dragon like seriously. It was so obvious the mc is just slow
Stone (the pop up window) was hiding it from him and only revealing enough info to subtly progress their relationship.
Stone knows EVERYTHING after all it's a mind reading filter system.
I also agree with the denial caz when they were trapped under the avalanche Eyra had a dream that was Yanu's memory of him killing another dragon and his overall thoughts of the world. And Eyra knows the nature of his power so he should have been suspicious since the only mind there to read was Yanu apart from the horses
Eyra has also dreamt of sleeping with a dragon twice. Though that was Stone prepping his mind for a dragon lover and more fun with the 9,999,999 item
Oh that’s a good point honestly I had forgotten at this point that stone was a mind reading program I was just treating it as a regular video game system but yh your right he was preparing Eyra for the big reveal. Also I think all those dreams Eyra and Yanu had were not just fictional dreams but their past life. I feel like they met in the past in a different situation where Eyra didn’t take his father’s place and actually kept his Magician job instead and Yanu ended up destroying the kingdom like he had planned
Cool theory
Like I reread chapters 18-19 and Eyra did realize his dream was mind reading from a dragon then he had a Convo with Yanu where Yanu indirectly admitted he was a dragon but somehow Eyra couldn't connect the dots
Rn I am rereading and watching Stone, and things make more sense.
But I dislike Manta because their censorship prevents us from seeing how or if Stone reacts to Yanu in their intimate time or if he goes dormant and so we can't see just how much Yanu likes Eyra.
And I've lost count of how many times Yanu refers to himself as a dragon every time the word Dragon comes up in their conversation that's why I think Eyra was in denial in the beginning because he was afraid of what Yanu would do to Solath but then after he started having those dreams he slowly let his guard down and instead of fear he felt something else when Yanu confirmed his suspicions
If anyone's curious about that Hercules death story, the short version is that he cheated on his wife and basically his wife(under the influence of hera) sent him a cloak coated in the poison blood of a minotaur and ya the story goes as written in the manga basically. Not as cool when u hear the whole story tho lol
This should be rated way higher than it is. It's hilarious and so good