I mean this is an illegal site and we know this would happen but the author should have done it in mature way, since she's an adult well because she writes mature yaoi, she should have handled these the nice and clean way instead of harassing others like it won't do any good to her plus it probably ruin her reputation as an authors because of how you act.

We don't even know what happened to K and who tf is he smiling to, is it his friend, family, lover like who?!?!?! But like seriously K deserve a good ending especially when he literally just used as a stepping stone to their relationship and was never was a priority from the ML

Ok? I just wanted to show you other perspective on the story?
Many people are disappointed because for them the story is the typical: "toxic,abusive ex, wronged MC and the better choice, nearly perfect second lead, but naive MC chose the toxic ex in the end".... And in this particular story it was much more complicated than that popular trope.

Ohho yah it's kinda different from other stories with same storyline , I won't use abusive for it but toxic but as with the flow of story author focused more on taku life and thoughts rather than jowoon cuz at the end we seriously don't know how jiwoon treats other beside haesoo but we know how taku treated other before haesoo , and that's where I feel lost in jiwoon area .

Tbh it is kinda disappointing that we didn't see much of Joowon beside his and Haesoo's little world. But we had him interacting with Min Kyuri or his menager, boss or father, Haesoo's mum and some other gimps in retrospections. And we had some insight into his thoughts. But I myself would prefer to see more of that.
His mom is hell of a indecisive gurl she claiming doing this, then outright tell another thing thats completely different