seme is a piece of absolute psycho shit but ofc shitty yaoi logic makes it seem like he's ~sexy~ and not ~really fucking insane~. uke had potential but seems to be a weak piece of shit who has no ability to resist or stand up for himself whenever it matters. what's the point of having a brain and common sense if you never use it? this is disappointing and toxic. i'm annoyed to read another garbage bl like this.

ch 16 is clearly rape, like the uke was obviously too drunk to consent and literally passed out... and the manager just generally makes me really uncomfortable... idk i just don't find him abusing his power, the workplace harassment, and the toxic manipulative behaviour sexy at all. this isn't a funny or unique or interesting story in any way. this is just more bottom of the barrel, rape-y bullshit and i regret wasting my time on it.

Exactly!! It amassed me the amount of kids that were saying that it was not rape (said Kids because if a think that they're adult is going to be more frustrating)
If you are too intoxicated to give your consent is rape, if you were sleeping is rape there's no gray area, I don't understand how can they argue that it was not rape "because they kiss" ñike WHAT?! How old are you?

this started interesting, but went downhill. the ending was obviously ridiculously bad, but actually, the first thing that made me uncomfortable was how pushy Wei was from the very beginning. NGL he made me REALLY uncomfy lol. He was so overbearing and had no respect for Shen Mo's boundaries at all, and NOTHING about his behaviour was romantic - it was just coercive and felt more like bullying fem!Shen Mo than anything else. IDC what soppy shitty cliche backstory the author tried to throw in there, it didn't justify his complete disrespect for Shen Mo, and it didn't explain shit plot-wise either. The Fang Tong plotline was out of nowhere, and WHO the actual hell is Xiao Jie????? were we supposed to know him before the last two chapters???? The whole 'dressing as a woman' plotline was stupid as fuck and i'm baffled everyone allowed that circus show to go on as long as it did. The confession was overdramatic and also felt coercive, like yeah ofc tell the media so that the whole world can pressure Shen Mo to go out with you for you, that's totally 'romantic' huh. The fact that he even confessed about a female Shen Mo makes this SUPER shallow from an LGBT perspective, because it just reinforces the idea that only het romances are media friendly. Gay man Shen Mo has to lose his career, but straight female Shen Mo gets romantic confessions and prosperity. IDK as a queer person myself that just got on my nerves. What was the point of this entire story? This just sucked lol.

this was surprisingly super fun to read! it's 'long' but chapters are quite short, i've read 60 chapter manhua that were muuch longer time-wise.
it was confusing at times (mostly because i keep forgetting who's in what sect and why that matters lol) but it was understandable enough, i think the author's intentional obscuration of things makes you really emphasize with the confused characters as they try to figure things out. it makes the revelations more satisfying because it's like figuring out a puzzle lol
comedy wise, this was pretty lighthearted and amusing, but that just makes the serious and angsty moments even more intense. kind of reminds me of AoAo Waiting To Be Caught!
i like the self-awareness of the author, but i also wish this wasn't so bait-y. it would be better if we had an endgame (whether gay or straight) instead of the 'will they, won't they?' endless teasing. regardless, the character relationships are quite interesting. at times, it kind of feels like an afterthought, especially when there's a break between a fight to finally introduce an emotional bond between two characters in a flashback, then the fight continues and one of them gets injured. but on the other hand, that sort of back-and-forth style makes the plot aspects really interesting, especially with the continuous revelations of MC and Yin's history.
i look forward to future chapters of this, thank you very much to the uploader/translator for their hard work! we wouldn't be able to appreciate this great story without their efforts <3
the seme is really creepy. tons of red flags. idk if he's supposed to be attractive but he's really manipulative and gross. 0/10 would not trust him with my drink and 0/10 this story just makes me uncomfortable.