levipleasecallmeback's feed

i hope the dad wakes up and can never feel joy again. nothing will ever bring him happiness, and any attempt to feel something is taken away. every step he takes needs to bring him unrelenting, immobilizing pain that can never be healed. i want him to gain luck with his life alone, in the case where the suffering he faces gets so severe he wants to die but isn’t able to kill himself. he will forever be hurt, screaming for mercy but every god and entity will look away as he withers in agony. then once he’s had enough, the pain stops for ten minutes. in this time he’ll think it’s finally over and celebrates with gratitude. but after the time is up, the very same conditions continue- with him hoping that those measly ten minutes of peace is miraculously cast upon him again. it never does. and knowing the pain could stop kills his soul more than ever compared to the everlasting physical torment on his body. for any greater power could prevent it, and the only thing he can do it beg and ask why. why why why me