levipleasecallmeback's feed

levipleasecallmeback created a topic of PASSION

whoever told me this was good you will pay.

rape bs aside, the plot is all twisted and tangled within the bad writing and lack of execution. the story had potential, but because of its sorry excuse for filler, character development, and relationship building it’s not doing it justice. i found the plot points interesting, having a complex life and intense longing to reconnect with your twin. then getting sucked into an illegal weapon industry scheme set up by the very uncle who was supposed to protect you. however… we ended up not getting any elaborate scene with the twins around their birthdays where it was emphasized the older twin WOULD reach out- but this was quickly brushed over. then with the uncle, mc’s reaction to being used/manipulated was so tame and a let down. i just get blueballed by the way the storylines are completed ??

don’t even get me started on how shallow mc’s relationship was with the twink, i swear their fondness for each other is forced by plot. in the same breathe, another forced aspect is ilay and mc’s fake complex relationship. because wdym you can’t find yourself hating him after he brutally sa’d you, killed several others terribly even though he was implied as the instigator, and treats you/everyone less than garbage…

not to mention, the author sliding in that the older twin brother created a detailed, fully fleshed out machine gun blueprint as a child LMAO??? THAT WAS SO POORLY PUT IN I CRIED LAUGHING