omg y’all are missing such a big point in the story. the kingdom NEEDS wolfgang and his leadership right now because of the recent rebellion. it’s been years since they had a stable kingdom/economy (due to the corruption of the last king) and there has been not only one, but two coups d'état in such a short amount of time. it’s sad but shin knows the king needs to borrow powers from other royals and nobility- the people they have now are not enough to help their current situations, hence why shin told wolfgang to get married. although shin deserves treatment, its irresponsible and heartbreaking that wolfgang commanded shin for the first time because the last thing shin wanted was to be a burden to the kingdom and wolfgang’s ruling. shin hates that his love for the king will blind wolfgang’s judgement, even though the king is better than that, but look at the responsibility he just casted aside in order to heal shin. shin cares more about the people of the kingdom and desires a benevolent king way more than he cares about himself. pls he’s not trying to make things harder just try understanding him... his decisions are correct for someone working for a better kingdom :(

sunhwee literally didn’t do anything wrong in the bdsm part of their relationship. this is literally why i dislike hyesol so much; she’s a shitty dom and is toxic in general. sunhwee (and the other subs) didn’t feel like they could say no during sexual plays and all the subs felt like they had to say yes. in bdsm there needs to be safewords, aftercare, etc, but she failed to do those basic necessities. she manipulated all of them just to protect herself... but from what?? what’s wrong abt feeling genuine sympathy and care for romantic and/or sexual partners??? I’m hoping her backstory is enough to be understandable of her fear to open up, but other than that she’s terrible

i hope no one is hating on shin :( he said that to wolfgang bc his position as king isn’t stable. people were already skeptical of him, but after the coup (raid) at the palace it probably made the people and royalty from other regions see wolfgang as an unreliable king. so pls don’t hate on shin he’s always thinking about the king and the kingdom before himself for literally all his life pls protect
she literally breathes and her new teacher is like “that’s why yo mama dead, dead as hell... what shoes she got on in her casket???”
like DAMN ALL SHE DID WAS GET A BOYFRIEND AND BEGAN TO HAVE BETTER CONFIDENCE/SELF ESTEEM NOW OMG!! girlie just broke out of her shell and the teacher took it personal