Let me tell you I lived the exact things in this manga. The only difference was the ending. In my ending Kou was with Narumi. God, I cried rivers reading this manga. It triggered the pain that i had kept inside. Please dont try to take people away, make them leave the other one away to smoothen your pain. Dont use pain of death to manipulate people. That girl leaded me to a life time trauma doing so. I will pray till my last day to lord to get revenge for my sake.

People who use pain to manipulate other people are in the wrong and they hurt people, but they are suffering inside and can't think of other way to do things.
I have always thought that feelings are one of the few things that, the more you give, the more you have. If you spread grieve you will also have more grieve. So your revenge can hurt you more than it can hurt anybody else.
It is not always possible to forgive, you might hate her forever, but if you try to understand why it happened the way it did you might be able to find some peace.

It has been a while, these things happened 11 months ago. I let myself grieve for a long time. At first, I wanted to get revenge by my own hands, but as the time passed I noticed I couldnt do it. Both girl and the boy were my besties and I really loved them with all my heart. So I decided to leave it to God in the end. What you said...I will cherish it and keep it in my mind. I will spread kindness just like I used to do. Thank you beautiful soul, I am so glad that you commented. I pray to God to meet people just like you. Thank you.
When he said come here and pattet on his leg, I felt so fucking turned on. This bitch aint playin yall. DAMN BOI HAVE YOU LOST YO GODDAMN MIND (/TДT)/