you know what's the funniest thing about this manga? that it's tagged as comedy.

well it started pretty funny xD it has a lot of comedy parts in it - it s just rn that it turned out a little (lot) darker than before - that doesn t mean it can go back to comedy as soon we re over this really dark part here ....or maybe not xD
it should have the tragedy tag too tho

ohoho, what an interesting chapter. blink and you'll miss it.
notice the way that eijun's talking about furuya and the way he's looking at his plays. i wouldn't go as far as calling it arrogant but it's certainly very confident and it basically screams "come at me bro". there's also furuya who says that he's currently unfit to be the ace and that he'll take that position back. implying that he's lost the position.
so both of them are thinking the same thing. furuya's still wearing the number 1 on his back, but he's not the ace anymore as he was during nationals. and now eijun's the one to beat.

"I fell in love for the 1st time, I was loved back for the 1st time, I well never forget about today."
That last page sound ominous. Like this is the special first experience, but implies that more will come later. Or is that just me? Just putting it out there to warn the people who are still salty about HNR.
i almost had a brain aneurysm reading the "that's what you get for doing something without my consent" line.
That was some ole bull shit