.okay so my chinese is trash but from what i have gathered, seme wanted to be the only thing in the ukes world since the uke said that he loves the place? and so he kills them all and says that the uke has to come with him and so the uke hits him and runs and the seme spews some crazy sh.t about the everything the uke has is his and the uke runs to the end of the cliff and then because of the audacity of that bitch . jumps of the climps and attempts to kill himself but this is where im not sure because it doesnt say anything but i think the uke survives but loses his memory because in the next chapter he begins introducing who he is and blabla. and i kinda skim read the next chapters and maybe seme is wanted? whatever it is he kills the people that attempt to threaten him. the uke might be getting flashbacks as seen in the chapter as well . amd the red person threatens the uke saying that je could kill both of them if he says something so the uke says everything is alright when the seme asks him. and i think the red bit.ch is bros with the seme? cause he calls him bro. blablablabla a few chaps later there travelimg with tje red guy not sure why and they travel across the bridge and tlred guy cuts it when uke is crossing and uke falls and red guy begs? seme not to go afyer him biut seme does and dives after him. uke is found by a old man and a hottie but the seme doesnt find the uke and screams his name whilst looking manicall................again if you eant to ask specific questions please do but my chinese isnt that good
From the raws, it feels like dohu will chase Juheon Again :/ idk It would be nice to see it the other way rounddddd
Has the new season started already?
no (i think) bc the timeskip hasn’t happened yet
bruh fr?? man