kiss-my-axe answered question about question
i feel like someone is hunting for my comments bc there is always one person who dislikes them
kiss-my-axe followed question about question

tbh my highest so far has to be 17 bc ppl couldn't keep their mouth shut

02 01,2024
kiss-my-axe answered question about being in a wlw relationship
y'all prbly don't rmber him but he's from Make me bark, let's be fr him saying the bottom looks like his dead dog is weird. Have a good night

i'm straight, i'm straight, i'm straight

kiss-my-axe answered question about life changing stuff

Cathrine is eating them up rn

did i really just read 4 chatpers of a man fucking a ghost with a straight face?

kiss-my-axe created a topic of Kill the Villainess

y'all are killing me wit the priest comments i can't like them all

kiss-my-axe followed question about character obsession

All of my crushes have ugly nipples :( they look like mold.

22 11,2023

lloyd ain't THAT ugly he has..unique features

kiss-my-axe answered question about chat about anything
kiss-my-axe followed question about chat about anything

Kinda curious what pet peeves does every individual have, share to care yours? (=・ω・=)

05 10,2023

"Why are they acting differently from the original story?"
like oooh my god, i hate when they ask that question!! You obviously not behaving how the og character is supposed to behave, so common sense should tell you the rest

kiss-my-axe asked question about kissing

Does anyone know the name of the manhwa (I think?) Where the ML was a handsome blue eyed crow???