Am I the only me who still feels guilty when the author be like “I worked super hard on this so pls don’t read this on a illegal sites” ....but I’m broke so I can pay for ur story ToT
Dont y'all just love the fact that we are blessed by the yaoi gods with such amazing translater not only giving us updates but *sniffs* the memes are so *chef kiss* immaculate
I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH HIM ISTGG! BRO All My friends were like "Nooooo hes hot. Hes to nice to be bad. I WANNA GET A MAN LIKE THAT.Gurl ur tripping hes normal nothing is wrong with him" NOW U SEE I WAS RIGHT They own 5 dollars ima got get my money >:0
Cashier:"Hi what can i get you?" Me: "Lemme get a Large Ah-Juicy please" Cashier: "um ma'am we just ran out" Me:*looks at everyone with Ah-Juicy*"i was too late"
It’s 4am and I can’t wIt this shit rn why can’t they just be happy