i don't know why whoever is translating this, translated it like that but the term 'lesbo' is derogatory [referring to ch 2], i don't know if the prince was talking in a derogatory way when asking the mc if she was a lesbian (which i doubt), that does not really matter if the translating team did or did not know it was, that does matter either, call me a snowflake or whatever you want but I know it's not a big thing and im not trying to treat it like it is but it doesn't make it less ok, it's still pretty upsetting as a lesbian in its on way, i kinda got used to this type of thing being normal but it did break my mood, hope you all understand.

ah cmon will ppl never get tired of the generic goody two-shoes hero with a overpowered rival that he's gonna overflow in 5 minutes mid fight and ofc needs to saves the lady in danger for getting [r worded] bcs yk that's all that happens to women in media and ofc men need to feed their savior complex somehow. omg sOCieTy ~ dropped this stinky thing at ch 1

LITERALLY, this type of trope is so overdone and the author still managed to fuck it this badly, there wasn't A SINGLE good character in this, and i still can't get over terrible the rape scene, did he really need to use rape as not only a plot device but the main one? the script was awful every line that came out of this was just- honestly i could make an essay listing everything that bad in this manga just from reading the first chapter
i feel like this type of manga just helps spread toxic mentality, i honestly hope this gets canceled but i know it probably won't

the lengths she goes through on trying to get the best outcome for dr. lee never fails to amaze, as stupid as i personally think she is (maria is a simp, im sorry but she is :shrugs: ) i still think shes pretty amazing for doing all of this for the women she loves and wants to be with (even tho i don't see what's so special about her besides being a babe, i felt like her development way too rushed, i wish they spent more time on her background then building this "mysterious tsundere hottie" (at least that's how I see her) and by looking how close to being caught up to the raws/its ending i think that's pretty much all im gonna get from her, a shame really.
maybe too sweet for me but i like it! this isn't the type of stuff i look for and i don't really thin its my thing but i still think its pretty nice, i looked when the previous chapters were posted and the schedule looks a bit messed up so i think i won't get sick of it easily, looking forward to it!!