Peach276 followed a goer
21 days
Peach276 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Can't wait for y'all to see man bun Jingi. Omg he looks so good with his hair up.

Peach276 created a topic of Bound By Desire

The cover is giving "Now kiss"

Peach276 created a topic of Jinx

In Chapter 62 I'm glad that Dan is standing firm in his decision, but when Jaekyung asked "And you can't honestly say you didn't like working for me?", why didn't Dan cuss his ass out for all the terrible abuse he went through. Dan should have been like "Fuck you, of course I hated working with you and having to endure being your sex slave and having you verbally abuse me everyday". Like Dan still pities himself and has that low self esteem that I hate, like please have a little more self worth and hatred towards Jae.

"Yaoi deficiency syndrome" lol I definitely have symptoms

"What kind of an adult manga is that?"

The first year of high school: SpringMori, who has just entered school, learns of his classmate, Mic...

  • Author: Kazari
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance

The title mentioned going into heat so I thought this was going to be an omegaverse. It qas still good though. The characters' relationship was kind of cute.

Peach276 created a topic of Kaze no Iro made Oboeteru

Going from Slammer Dogs to this is such a healthy balance, because this manga cleanses my soul.

Peach276 created a topic of Bluelock

Chapter 278 "To the world I'm just a second-rate stepping stone to help create heroes" Damn you ain't nothin but a player two ass nigga Isagi, player fucking two

Peach276 created a topic of Bluelock

Chapter 277 "You lumps of talent" real hard hitting insult you got there Isagi, that'll show them

Peach276 created a topic of Bluelock

Y'all this manga is too damn good for the anime to be ass. Please oh Buddha may season 2 actually have decent animation.

Peach276 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Ok so I read the most recent raws and honestly annoyed that the next sex scene took like two and a half chapters because it was filled with gross scenes like nipple clippings AGAIN and fucking piss. The first nipple clipping was already hard to stomach but I feel like the next sex scene could have been condensed to one chapter.

Peach276 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Why do they look like titans on the last page of chapter 30 lol? Jingi out here looking like the titan that ate Eren's mom

Siri, play Let Me Love You by Ne-Yo

Peach276 created a topic of Work Love Balance

Ok, so the new guy doesn't respect boundaries. That's not cute.

Peach276 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Back in chapter 24 when Myeonggi discovered why Jingi and Heonjae were in jail we saw notes saying that Jingi was suicidal and would do things like ramming himself into a wall, eating random things, and cutting his stomach. It seemed like it happened quite often but now we're not seeing him try any suicide attempts or see any signs of him recently attempting to kill himself. I wonder what happened that possibly has either prevented him from trying to kill himself or made him do less suicide attempts.

Peach276 created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Y'all we all know that both Jingi and Heongjae are crazy but between the two of them Jingi is the sane one that stops Heongjae from going too far. If Heongjae gets out first that means he knows that Myeonggi and Jingi will be alone together for sometime. That might not be great, but what will be worse is when Myeonggi gets out and he has to spend six months knowing that Heongjae will probably be looking for him without Jingi there to be their buffer. Myeonggi obviously wouldn't want to live with Heongjae because he doesn't see him that way and he has a family to take care of and they're not going to be safe around Heongjae's crazy ass.

Peach276 like the answer
It's because the author will write their characters to appeal to a wide majority of their audience and if there is one thing everyone loves, it's money! So to play into everyone's fantasy, you make the male lead a CEO. The reason why they don't go into how tough and stressful being a CEO is because it ruins the fantasy for most readers. Also the ......
Peach276 like the answer
It's because it's every straight woman's dreams, rich ass husband and financially good life. When ironically enough CEO Men irl...They're jerks. Doesn't look hot at all. Will mostly only want you for your body. Thinks of the poor in a bad way. Rich or not, men will be men.