Does no one else find it weird that the grandma reincarnated as her granddaughter like I get you want to be close to your daughter but please I would never want to be birthed by my hypothetical daughter like I can’t respect you as a parent because you’re my child and It sort of feels to me grandma took granddaughter off the census before she even breathed like she didn’t want her grandchild to be her own person she just wanted to be her. Me personally rather be brought back as her pet or something cause at least then I get to see both grandkids instead of being one of them.

I don't really find it that weird because they didn't say that she would have memories of her being her mother. So, she could just be a regular person with the soul of her mother but Sheriel would never know. The closest her daughter could resemble her mother is probably through her behaviour, like her habits or liking the same things. For example, her daughter could have a habit of eating a certain way just like her mother and would remind her of her.
In the chance that her daughter does remember her past life of being Sheriel's mother that's where I think it gets a bit weird.

I say this in the nicest way possible the art isn’t good. It looks like someone who is still a novice in art that still looks up how to draw videos. The anatomy is so off and something is just wrong with the characters faces. Not to say they art style isn’t good I think all art style are great but you can tell when they are unpolished. It honestly makes me wonder how these artists get gigs to make manwha. Like what does their portfolio look like or does the person hiring them don’t know what quality art should look like for making comics

accidentally down voted but i think the real issue with the faces is that we are in a pointy chin epidemic. The chin is so pointy so it makes the face look unnecessarily long. They need softer faces and more rounded out features to look more normal and humanlike + it will fit better with the glossy look that the rest of the art style has....

Yall going way to hard on Amryllis like in her defense she was being manipulated like did we forget the part where the pope legit threatened her she didn’t know she was a fake and everyone spoiled her making her a brat and when she found out she was terrified honestly wish she could have lived and had a redemption arc because she effectively had no control over her life and it would be refreshing to see especially with these types of manwha where they usually just kill off the antagonist

Yeah I mentioned she was a bratty but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t have changed her ways especially when she was a child being encouraged by her surroundings are we going to forget that the oldest brother said worse to the fl so in Ryllies child mind she’s being told that her sister is evil her brother doesn’t even recognize her as family and her father never once payed any attention to her but they can get the chance to redeem themselves but she can’t be redeemed like the father literally had no reason to abandon her but he gets to be redeemed
I just feel like they could have done more with her character instead of making another one note Villainess with the only purpose to oppose the FL and make her look better in turn

Yeah I agree there is none and no excuse for her brothers and especially her father for treating the Fl like they did but to compare Ryllie to her father who literally abandoned his daughter for no good reason yet he gets to be able to redeem himself. To be clear I don’t want Ryllie to live without feeling the consequences of her actions I want her to feel the most guilty for trying to kill her sister and I would want the family dynamic to change with every acknowledging they are all assholes and Ryllie trying to navigate knowing she’s actually the black sheep of the family
I just see want to change the one note Villainess trope when they only exist to be evil then die for a happy ending especially with Ryllie she wasn’t really evil misguided at the beginning then at the end was downright threatened to do awful things

Oh nice! Sorry to misread your comments on that fact. Yes, those three family members are so weird and not all that smart. There are so many ways they could have cleaned Ashtarte’s name without demonizing (even though she was a demon-like presence) Amarylis :/ but they’re not so smart
Author really missed the opportunity to make something nice with the villainess - kinda like Who made me a princess, where there was a demonic creation too (she ended up being good, but still, there was a change in the connotations - not that I think Amarylis would become good even if she’s wanted tho ^^’ that’s not what you get with spoiled royals lol)
Thanks for sharing your POV ヾ(☆▽☆)

I thought this was gonna be a wholesome lesbian fantasy romance between the empress and her maid but noooo the stupid crown prince has to come and make this hetero. Like why are all the yuri manwha so smutty I just wanna see two girls go on cute dates but nope they just horny and when I think I found one the ugly step son has to stop his step mom from cheating by taking the maid this was lowkey queerbaiting probably dropping this but does anyone have any recommendations on wholesome yuri manhwas
Honestly I’m tired of the sister enemy troupe especially when they are young. It’s overused and the reasoning behind the antagonist actions seem so trivial. I mean at least in this story there is an actual reason she wants the fl’s power. But like she’s a kid why’s she scheming and plotting her downfall this young. And the fact she’s being pushed to do this by her mom honestly makes me feel bad for her. Cause it’s like the story is just pushing her to be an irredeemable villain. Like can we not. Let her be redeemable character instead of a hellspawn. We have to many of these characters already.
(And they are all mainly women like anytime a character is “redeemed” it’s a man and he’s mainly is because he loves/cares for the fl. Like it’s just feels like we’re putting one woman down to raise up another and when they do that how good of a character is the one we are uplifting if they couldn’t do that without the villainess. It’s honestly lazy writing)
Lowkey does anyone got any recommendations on just a sweet siblings manwha preferably between sisters