Did anyone noticed?
At page 7, Kyoko twirling her sword to give a signal that she'll do something. Then at page 23 she twirling it again. And their respond was so fast and so good. At the upper page 25 you can see that they understand what is Kyoko aim and they respond beautifully. Kyoko's co-stars are truly professional. (≧∀≦)
The scene won't be that wonderful if not for their respond.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Now, how many days till new chapter? Hope it'll come soon enough. Hardly can wait. So exited. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Hai, guys. I have a question. Besides Skip Beat, are Sensei have another manga project? I mean, I am tired to complain so I try to understand. Or maybe there's something happen to sensei that made Skip Beat update just a chapter for every month? I'll feel really bad if there's something wrong to sensei. And I do understand, It is not easy to made an interesting manga as Skip Beat. And I don't have much way to know how Sensei is beside asking you guys. So, help me please. Thanks before.

Okay, can anyone recommend to me some mp3 or youtube video of Kai playlist? I know it wouldn't be same, but I've been so excited and they put me down. Maybe, some music can keep my spirit. So, please. Help me?

I've been trying to look them up too, if I find something good I'll post it here :D

I try to find some record and this is what I found. Ishiki Makoto sensei inspired by Bunin when he win at Chopin Competition in 1985. Naturally, I get curious and search some more. Here is his record. What do you think?

La Campanella -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEnfZjqMSy0
Also Yundi Li was the youngest to win the Chopin Competition ^^
Too short. Wish there's more. (≧∀≦)
There is more... they get married
Could you please spoiler it? :)