19 Days -Old Xian (())
That's gay (or poly)
- characters that are canonically queer in one capacity but I think there's some additional stuff going on (ex: character is gay but I'm getting demisexual or trans vibes from them)
- characters that say still ID as straight while actively having a queer relationship (looking at you yaoi manga)
Online, because then I don't have to be reminded I have no friends.
They've been a disappointment to me for a long time but I guess it's fair cause I've also been a disappointment to them.
Haru like they're everywhere. Tachibana is pretty common too. Also why does my autocorrect keep changing Haru to Gary??? Tf
I'd grin in my head cuz I'd start thinking of the rewards I can get for turning you in but act like I totally agree with what you just did. I mean, it also depends on who.
I said a black person looked like poop when I was in 3rd grade. Might seem funny, but it's not. Yes, it was because he called me ugly first. No, that doesn't make it right. I moved away some time after and now I feel pretty guilty even though I was just a dumb 8 year old not even knowing what racist means. What's worst is my dad is black making me ......
19 Days -Old Xian (())