Can anyone explain to what does the translator chats mean on chapter 2, I srsly don't get it

well, the only guy in the translators said "Never trust anything with two heads and only one brain"... As far as I understand, it refers to all males - because they have two heads, you know, one where your brain is and the other... you know, down below... hence the expression "giving head" when referring to blowjobs...
I somehow need a chapter with the brother's pov, so I would at least know what the older one is thinking
I mean it's his fault that Hayato is being like that, he keeps shutting him out. Thing would be different if they keep the usual relationship but Yuki is hiding his gayness, so yeah it's the older's fault
Uh, no it is f*cking not. Seriously, peeps, you don't understand the manga, AT ALL, do you???? The brother probably hid his gayness because he's IN LOVE WITH HIS FUCKING YOUNGER BROTHER. And his point was proven when the younger brother called him gross because he was gay.
It's either one or the other with you peeps, isn't it? I mean, in Kokoro o Korosu everyone's on the older brother's side, but that is just victim blaming from the opposite side of the coin. In this one, you're all on the younger brother's side, claiming the older brother MADE him rape him???? WTF????
(● ̄(エ) ̄●) if he's in love with his brother, than why whore himself? He's whoring himself, getting paid by different guys. If he just wanted to forget, then he could have a decent relationship with, well.. That friend of his who understand that he was a replacement for his brother. And yet Yuki prefers to get fuck by different men and get paid for it. So I dou t he's sleeping with those guys just to ferl the void of being unlove. Also, whats with the medicine. Im too afraid to know he might gave an std or aids already.
(● ̄(エ) ̄●) if he's in love with his brother, than why whore himself? He's whoring himself, getting paid by different guys. If he just wanted to forget, then he could have a decent relationship with, well.. That friend of his who understand that he was a replacement for his brother. And yet Yuki prefers to get fuck by different men and get paid for it. So I doubt he's sleeping with those guys just to ferl the void of being unlove. Also, whats with the medicine. Im too afraid to know he might gave an std or aids already.
because this was his way to distract himself and he didn't have any other decent relationship with one person because he simply knew that he can't love anyone else and didn't want to make fun of anyone's feelings. That's why.