ThotChocolate created a topic of Waterside Night

I doUbT iT wAs My FaUlT BITCH ARE YOU SERIOUS who told you to meddle in your boss's affairs in the first place??? The debt WAS cancelled, or in the process of... It was paused at the very least... BUT they said they SKIPPED A FEW STEPS, aka they just want to hurt the boss and use euihyun to get to him. I hope that dad dies

Is Sanho's shouting/raising his voice annoying? Yes... But he's so emotionally smart, unlike Tak. Tak doesn't know shit except educational shit, he's extremely emotionally constipated that he's about to fucking rupture. Does this chapter make me feel like they're for each other? Nah... Not one bit especially after Tak reiterating how dumb he thinks Sanho is to the point he thought he would never like him.

This author... Really missed a fucking opportunity with these two. This could've been dramatic, heartwrenching, them striving to figure each other out and finding out their feelings for one another... I mean obviously Sanho has liked him for a while with the one comment he made with "there was one point where I thought I could date you", but because of how insufferable the author made their relationship dynamic it ruined both couples for me. Especially with how Lee Hyuk and In Seo ignored Sanho's pleas for so long.

Maaaan it's just frustrating when the writing could've been so good and it could've been so good and so much fun to read. Idk why I'm torturing myself with this, probably bc I might as well read the rest if I'm this far in. At this point I'd rather the author cut it off here and start something new LOL

I'm really curious if the Korean audience enjoys their dynamic... Like, are they more thrilled about them getting together and Tak than we are?

You have to admit, NOBODY in this is innocent except for Juliette. She had to paint her face heavily, masking her natural beauty. Then she had to see her man get with someone else RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER only to in the end be punished for what... Calling out that bitch for talking to her fiancee? The fuck? I hope Juliette ends up living and happy in the end she's the only one innocent in all of this.

Why do creators always do this? Make one of the characters so vile and so irredeemable, only to COMPLETELY change their personality in the end. Don't get me wrong, I love this so much..... But cmon man, if you write a character a certain way you must know psychologically that people do not change unless something drastic and traumatic happen. People do not change easily, even for love, and I think a lot of people forget that when writing.

Our mokhwa has been through a lot, both in life and from this lil red haired prick. He's tolerant because of it, but just remembering what nakwon did to him previously... OOF MAN It hurts my heart because NOBODY would be able to deal with it, no matter how tough you are as a person getting raped so viciously is not only painful, it's also demeaning. He viewed mokhwa as the dirt under his feet and wanted to humiliate him. Man it gets me emotional.

Regardless, we all know they'll probably officially get together soon and it'll be all lovey-dovey and give us all cavities. I enjoy seeing nakwon anxious whenever he thinks he's pushed mokhwa too far, and I like seeing him fret over if what he's done is okay or not.

If the author researched and really thought about how people would react to the information, it'd only be half the amount of people disappointed (or even less) and the rest trolling on them or being like "could've seen this coming lololol" LIKE LOL this is such a horribly thought out story. How is it one minute they're at odds with each other the next all lovey dovey like bruh

Are we gonna believe that if lloyd died, he wasn't cunning enough to live in heaven or hell for the rest of eternity and lead a lazy life? He's probably watching over everything with that ugly expressions of his while picking his nose LMAO

Guys, if there i romance in here it's not going to feel unnatural. I always ALWAYS hate romance added especially when it's abrupt and/or harem... But you have to admit, the queen has been lowkey pining over him for a while. It has slowly been building up. Lloyd/kim suho has been lonely for so long, we all know upon his new life he pretty much was focusing on himself and wanting to live it easy but his parents were his everything in his past life. I think deep down he's been wanting family, as well as making one of his own.

In the beginning the system told him "that's not what your true wish is", and that he forgot deep down what would make him TRULY happy. I think that's what it'll be.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Shinyuu no

I love how they give us a time breakdown until they get together LMAO it gives someone like me who has a hard time with intense angst some relief.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Drick's Heat

Obviously either the blonde guy is the dragon but has lost his powers, the son of the dragon and princess or whatever, or is out for revenge against someone who is either the dragon or has dragon blood. He's been clear with his intentions from the get go: get as many dragon artifacts as he can. Is he friendly? Kinda yea, is he trustworthy? No. But he hasn't decieved anyone, he's very straightforward. The knight was getting ahead of himself too much.

WHAT NERDS, I LOVE THEM!!! THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER! Maaaaaaaaaaaan innocent love is the cutest.

Fucking finally... Now something is going to get in between them where she won't say how she feels. The king probably is going to try and pressure alistea into a marriage with a fellow noble, lala will probably overhear and be like "i'm getting in between him and his happiness!" and try to leave. Then alistea will go wild and have a shit fit and end up capturing her again yadda yadda

OR she will ACTUALLY stick her ground and ACTUALLY express her feelings because she knows how eh feels for her........... Which I doubt. WE'LL SEE WHATEVER IT IS I'M EXCITED

ThotChocolate created a topic of Ore wo Mite

What the bottom went through is horrible... But honestly, he's comfortable in his own self pity and until he grows and learns to love himself more he cannot fully love someone else. That's just how it works, which is a sad truth. People cope in different ways, and it's okay to sleep around (especially if you are practicing safe consensual sex), but to purposefully hurt someone and just assume what would be good for them is not caring about them. If anything, it's ignoring their feelings and completely disregarding them.

I get it, I have ptsd and depression and anxiety... I also go through bouts where I'm extremely paranoid, feel like I'm the biggest scum on earth, yadda yadda... But I do my best to those who I love and appreciate. IT IS OKAY TO BLAME YOUR ABUSERS!!! BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.

TBH this comic is just......... so lukewarm. The only character I like is the mc, the top. I think I'm just not a fan of this author's works.

Bro, just be honest. He could've said that he took advantage of the fact that they were always together, so it took him a long time to realize his sexual urges and his romantic urges were one in the same. That he missed him, and couldn't wait to get back home to him and that he was lonely. BUT NO "SETTLE FOR ME AND HONESTLY I LIKE YOU BUT NOT ENOUGH TO LIVE WITH YOU FOREVER SO IF YOU FIND SOMEONE ELSE JUST LEAVE" MOTHERFUCKER

Here's the thing, the king knew Etienne was being neglected and abused. If I am right, in a flashback to Etienne's past he would be sobbing and obviously on edge. His eyes would be red and the king would just overlook him saying he needed to give Rishar attention or that he was too busy to deal with Etienne. He didn't even want to give Etienne the light of day, let alone keep tabs on if he was being treated well. If it were up to the king, he probably would be fine with Etienne being killed. There is no redemption for EITHER parents. They BOTH deserve death. I'm sorry, but if you are a parent and you are neglecting your child you do not deserve to even be given the OPTION to have kids.

I understand, the king was raped. PTSD does a lot to someone, I know I have it... But Etienne is an innocent party in all of this. If the king couldn't love him due to what happened, the least he could've done was put him around someone he trusted to keep him safe. But instead, he leaves Etienne with the woman who assaulted him and was OBVIOUSLY aggressive about being the Empress. If he is the King and he isn't a puppet king, and he had even one brain cell he should be able to assume that this woman is the least motherly person out there and all she cares about is power.

But I digress, I hate the king and queen and all of these irresponsible adults who vie for power.

I wish more couples or more plots were straightforward like this. I understand, humans are super complex but I'm so tired of things being OVERLY dramatic and drawn out. This feels like a breath of fresh air. I feel as if yeah, the guy's a stalker.... But I could be overanalyzing things but he could be on the spectrum. Not just that, but anxiety is crippling and could make someone be this way. If he doesn't know how to be any different then ofc he'd come off as creepy. It's not like he had malicious intent, plus he truly wants to woo the other dude. There's such a fine line between being a creep and being an awkward cutie. LMAO but this is on the side of being an awkward cutie.

Can someone who read the novel (if it's finished) spoil me as to how the curse gets lifted? Is Elia's past ever talked about? I will still read it after the spoilers, I'm just super impatient LMAO I saw quite a few spoilers about some scum and about yun, but nothing about that. ALSO DID she actually inhibit the fairy's body???? Or is she a twin??? I NEED TO KNOW

ThotChocolate created a topic of Mobsters in Love

I can't handle it, I thought "omg 7 chapters usually most manga is done by then!" BUT IT'S NOT DONE AAAAAAAA i'm going to die with anticipation!

The fact that Shougetsu IS obsessed with sex, but also knows when to back off shows how much he's grown. He's prioritizing Kyojima in his own way. But c'mon, Shougetsu is SO autistic. My younger brother is very smart naturally too, he is able to remember things that nobody else remembers ESPECIALLY when it comes to his special interests. Anybody who is neurodivergent knows that any type of positive stimuli is something you obsess about. That's how sex is for Shougetsu. It's instant, it's positive, it doesn't set him off and it includes someone he loves so he's sharing a positive experience with him. It's kinda cute

I'm so pissed. The thing is, he went to the place Kazuma was being a player at because he was upset the guy he liked was sleeping around... Which he then decided to sleep with someone else because not only could he not say no but he pretty much gave up. THEN he ended up losing the person he loved due to being a dumbass asshole so he's taking it out on Kazuma???? UGHHHHHHHHHH I hate this motherfucker so much. He deserves all of the hate he gets, the fact he'd do this to someone he considered a friend just because he hated their partner???