I looooooooooove seeing wimpy mc's. Maybe it's because I'm a wimp too LMAOOOOO it feels relatable. I feel like our mc is either going to have super gentle parents or have a sad/hard backstory.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Waterside Night

YESS YESSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I'M SCREECHING This is EXACTLY what I wanted!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got his point across PERFECTLY!!! They're both fucking nuts, but then again they're kinda perf for each other now.

I feel like this is going to be so wholesome, what nerds.

I know they're building up for the mc to help the murim assholes who think they're holier than thou, but come on. They could've done it all in one chapter, it feels unnecessary. They became overzealous and rather than planning things out properly, just went ahead and sacrificed people's life for what? To die in the end? So they're going to end up getting upset yadda yadda find out what happened with our mc and want to confront him because they think fighting him will be easier than the demonic cult yadda yadda then they'll find out he's the strongest mofo there so they'll demand his help.

At least that's how I think it'll play out, since it seems like this is the direction they're going.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Our Sunny Days

WAITING WILL GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK FUUUUUUCK this is so smooth and so enjoyable to read, everything feels so natural and I enjoy reading every minute of it. Maaaaaaaaaan I hope the old fogies accept them and are like "oh you young kids"

Honestly the romance doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't turn harem, the romantic interest is very shy and quite the cute woman. It's not even focused on romance it's just integrating it in the foreground. People need to realize that there's a difference from annoying romance and non-annoying romance. When the romance is with someone who is a dumbass and constantly clinging to the main character OR it's harem that's when it's annoying. But she's not even a focal point in this comic, it introduced her naturally as well. I mean come on the dude has never been around romance even in his past life, and he wants a more "normal" life this time around. OFC HE WILL FALL IN LOVE. At least she's beautiful and elegant, unlike some of the other ladies that he'd pair up with (like the jegal(?) lady).

Honestly this is really enjoyable, I understand people disliking romance I tend to dislike it too... But I find it a bit premature and a little immature to drop it right now. With how the author writes the MC's female friends and the MC's mom, I don't think the author dislikes women. Usually when an author dislikes women they tend to be annoying and add no value to the story, so I feel like if this author intended for there to be romance then even if she isn't super useful right now since she just got better she'll be useful eventually. I have a feeling she's more brains than brawn, and she'll help with the organization of the clan.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Megumi and Tsugumi

I was getting so happy that things were starting to smoothen out now that they're going to the same school... But it's one thing after another. I wish that at least for a few chapters it'd be smooth riding, but that father doesn't fucking quit. I loved this comic, there are quite wholesome moments, but I've gotten bored of it. They're trying so hard to extend the series, they could've made them graduate at this point and be college boyfriends. Still a school setting, but they'd be adults. Idk man I'm a bit disappointed.

The way mental health is written in this is flawless, so much care and research has gone into this work. I truly believe in order to be a kind and knowledgeable psychologist/therapist not only do you have to be well versed in the field but have some demons of your own. Nobody who has had nothing wrong with them mentally can fathom the pain that those who go through mental health issues do. This is why I've often heard therapists see other therapists in order to continue practicing.

This is why so many people are frustrated and don't like the nurse, because (from what we gather) she hasn't not only never experienced mental health issues but been around enough people to be even slightly knowledgeable about it. She doesn't understand that every mental illness is different, plus everyone does well with different treatments.

Not everyone who has PTSD suffers the same symptoms nor have the same treatments. Triggers for everyone is different, everyone deals with things different. Some people have an easier time with PTSD than others, some people deal with medicine better than others. Every body is different, every brain is different. THAT is something this manga excels at.

I dropped this and I forgot why, but knowing who he's gonna end up with!?!?!?! And there's no harem!?!?!?! Imma have to reread this. I think it's because I find it a shame that his old body died, but I find it cute that she falls in love with both his past self and his current self, they were meant for each other.

ThotChocolate created a topic of The Baby Isn't Yours

Hasn't the art completely changed? Not only that but the coloring feels a bit off. I loved this at first and couldn't wait to see what happened, but the story feels kind of constipated and boring. Sad that I'm gonna drop it after being so devoted to it, I as contemplating it for a while but now I'm over it.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Foul's Start

The sister is so fucking awesome (and a hottie too ooooh!) she's so hilarious. She is so keen she knew how to get under Pado's skin, he's so obvious while also pretending to be unmoving. She's their matchmaker I just know this story is going to make me cry though, there's no sign there's going to be a completely happy ending. I bet it'll be bittersweet.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Storm Inn

I usually HATE with a burning passion romance in any action/martial arts comic because it rarely feels natural... But holy shit did they fall in love slowly and it didn't feel like it became the focal point of the comic. Also, no wonder the MC didn't understand the prices of things as well things outside of war, he has been around war since he was born. The things he went though in life was horrible, and the fact that he's trying to do good to himself and those he cares about is very admirable.

I mean if you think about it, after the leader of the mongolian troops died and most of their numbers went along with him you'd think that they'd reatreat back. The ONLY reason they didn't is because of the one guy's want for a rival, if it wasn't for that then they probably wouldn't have done half of what they've done. It's a bit of a shame, as a lot of the forces have constantly talked about the grasslands and how they miss it. You'd think at that point, they'd think "this war is not worth it" but human greed knows no bounds.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Moonlight

This is so fucking good, I wish more plots were so well thought out. They definitely wrote it all out before even drawing it, the author is both a writer and an artist. There's a DISTINCT difference, there's artists who want to write and writers who want to draw. It takes a lot of time to be able to fully do both. I feel as if this is something they thought out about for a long time, the subtlety yet realness in their emotions. Not everyone is so animated, if anything people truly react more subtle than extreme.

It feels boring to most people because it's slowly building up and actually putting in effort to have a well thought out story. NOT THAT OTHER STORIES PALE IN COMPARISON! There are people who are able to whip up something great without thinking too much about it, but most of the time authors are pressed for time and put out half baked results due to that. Or they're forced to write more than they planned so they have to bs some shit. I am hoping that the rest of the comic stays in being so well planned out, but we'll see.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Waterside Night

This is fucking heartwrenching. But Taeju is probably scared that he's going to keep making Euihyun suffer if he's together with him. I mean, after all he did to keep Euihyun together with him then for him to go through a miscarriage? While Euihyun might not've been ready to have a kid and they might've not been in the best place relationship wise to have one together, Taeju is probably feeling the world crumble around him.

If I had to guess, there's going to be a time skip of a few months if not a few years. If not that long, Euihyun is going to smack Taeju a new one and they'll come to their senses together. This author really loves tormenting their readers LMAO BUT I do have to say... I enjoy how emotional they both are, and how real their reactions to this is? I remember my mom had a miscarriage right before having my youngest brother, I was about 10/11 at the time. Not too long afterwards she had my brother. My whole family was devastated about the miscarriage, but everyone (including her) agree that it happened so my brother would have been born. I truly believe they'll have a kid together and be happy once and for all, it'll just be drama and heartwrenching guilt beforehand.

Anyways, I'm going to let a few chapters go and see how it is bc I'm going to be on the edge of my seat the whole time otherwise. LMAO

Honestly I like this, it's very straightforward. There is room for them to eventually develop feelings as they get to know each other, right now they're doing things for their own benefit and just that is fine. One cares for the mountains and the nature he's protected and the other cares for his only family member whose been there with him since the beginning. Losing someone is one of the worst things a human can experience, I'd totally give up my ass (if I were someone with a dick) for the life of my loved one. That is a small price to pay.

It's kind of funny how dry the sex was, not just with prep but also with the atmosphere. They're like "well time to try to get hard and get my dick in there, lemme just... jerk off and shove it in" LMAOOOOOOOOOOO At least taesun was smart enough to use lotion (idk if it was lube or literal fucking lotion which would do nothing) to try to prep himself better but they both need better experience. Damn I'm surprised he wasn't fucking bleeding!

ThotChocolate created a topic of Shujuu no Saga

I feel like the ML knew the uncle in some way and is taking his things slowly one by one. Idk it feels weird that he has the uncle's shit and kept coming back, then for the MC (the nephew) and the ML to be pretty much soulmates? Something is sketchy

ThotChocolate created a topic of PUNKS△TRIANGLE

I think the only reason Chiaki would ever get hurt from Enaga saying he's Ai is by the way he says it. If Enaga is like "Both sides are truly me and I care for you as both Ai and Enaga, if anything I've fallen for you. I've been scared to tell you because I have been worried about betraying your trust but I can't hide it from you anymore" sorta thing then ofc Chiaki would feel relieved. But if Enaga/Ai is just like "sorry..." then it'd be the end. LMAO LIKE PLS

ThotChocolate add manga to list ayo?

A friendless, hobbyless, girlfriendless company drone hires a male maid to help improve his quality ...

  • Author: Araragi,Shikino ito
  • Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi / Adult / Ecchi / Smut / Office Workers Doujinshi Office Workers

Honestly, idk how I've ever felt about the ML but what I can say for sure is that both he and the MC feel very real. Losing people you care about is one of the absolute worst things people can go through, and there's a lot of shit in this world. I feel as if this author personally understands what grief feels like, people who haven't lost anybody dear to them do not understand what it's like to mourn the loss of a loved one. Your whole life you'll be mourning that person, thinking about what-if's and either trying to come to terms with their death or trying to preoccupy your mind.

What the ML needs to understand is that even if the MC IS who he wants him to be, life experiences change people. Whether it's through time travelling, reincarnation, losing memories if he is who the ML thinks he is 100% they're still two different people in theory. Each part of the MC has gone through different trials and tribulations in life, both have obviously suffered and are trying to do right by themselves or those they care about. Our MC is taking care of ghosts and facing things head on, but he's suffering at the same time.

I feel like golden eyed black haired dude has done something. He said no matter how vile, every soul goes through reincarnation and it's disgusting or some shit. He probably did something sketchy with MC's soul. Maybe in order to obtain him in one way or another. That could be why the MC of the past or whatever he is sealed the ML away.

Don't get me wrong, I love this comic I really do... But I'm tired of seeing people other than our mc! If it was just a few chapters that'd be one thing, but it's been more chapters lately that aren't focused on the protagonist. I'm sure they're building up to something, but they can do that in a different way.