ThotChocolate created a topic of Salty Lust

Oh boy here comes the angst and stress LMAO LIKE WE DIDN'T GO THROUGH IT ALREADY but boiiiiiii I'm excited.

I feel so bad for the team working on this, I know how it feels being chronically ill and having to push ourself beyond your means. This is a comic worth waiting for, and I hope this decent break helps them recoup. They'll probably be slowly working on things so that they have a few chapters prepared beforehand so they can slowly ease back into the series.

ThotChocolate created a topic of A Three-legged Hero

LMAO THIS AUTHOR MUST'VE BEEN CACKLING THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME!!!!!!! I KNOW ARTISTS, I have a character I was so serious about and I love him so dearly... He's gorgeous and he's awesome.......... But I put him into the sims 4 and now he's got a huge dick switch who waves his dick around any opportunity he gets. My friend and I cackle about it all the time, so I can only imagine how this artist was when drawing this.

ThotChocolate created a topic of My Crazy Boyfriend

Where are people reading the raws? MRM?

A lot of reincarnation/isekai stories are all similar, but this one is so unique. Are there a few cliche parts, ofc but the author/writer really is able to twist it and make it their own. It's so funny and at the same time towards the beginning there were a few heart wrenching scenes.

Guys we just have to know that most of these reincarnation or fantasy plots similar to this will be cliche, it all just depends on how it's written. If it's bearable to read, amazingly written, or absolutely horrid. There ARE some unique reincarnation plots 100%, but they're hard to come across. Some of the most beloved reincarnation stories are cliche, and that's okay!

ThotChocolate created a topic of Waterside Night

UGH KILL THEM, KILL THEM ALL I STG YOU GUYS ARE THUGS ANYWAYS WHAT'S STOPPING YOU FROM MURDER NOW?!!?!?! They did this on purpose and they messed with someone you loved so they'll do it again, teach them a fucking lesson fucks sake!

I'm also team ougi. I kinda want a spinoff of him and the assistant or some other human (idfk how old the assistant is i can't for the life of me gauge the ages of the characters in this, which is kinda concerning). I feel like he'd end up being an extremely doting partner

I had a feeling that the stalker was the reason he manifested into an omega... I mean, he countlessly poured his pheromones into him and if it's who that influencer dude says it is he'd be continuously bumping into him too. I think our MC is going to think the rose is from the ML, then they're both going to freak out when they find out it wasn't from him.

I'd kick that mom in her fucking nuts. She hates omegas........ yet she was one of the parents who was pushing her daughter into getting married to one????? I hope that mom loses all that she has and lives on the fucking curb.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Regas

I've already cried to this once when Abel cried from his master dying, I can relate to him... After a loved one passes away and you keep yourself busy or you distract yourself, realization hits later on and sometimes it can take a while to start actually mourning. Losing a loved one never feels fully real.

Spoilers kinda below now.

Warning here's spoilers

This is your last chance to look away

I'm honestly tired of cute buff guys reincarnating or possessing bodies of twinks. Like... Man, Abel is perfect in every way right now. Everyone in the comic reiterates how he looks like a buff potato, but he's so adorable and perfect.... Then boom he changes into the king's type. I have a feeling the king is going to go after Abel's new body and some shit is going to happen to Abel because of it.

You'd think if Abel is this buff guy who has the body of a strongman, his habits would end up affecting the body of his new form even just a little. But I guess it's because every body type is different or some shit.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Drick's Heat

My guess was completely off!!! Kudos to the author in making this story actually unique!!! I feel so bad for both the dragon and Jahid, tbh idk if I'm liking Cyric. But I think that's the author's way of making actually good characters, because Cyric is pretty unlikable right now. He's prospered from the royalty's greed to the point where he denies the truth, plus he is so painfully ignorant and innocent that it makes him a prick. He leads with emotions more than he let on.

I mean I get him killing the people because they WERE going to sell the info to other kingdoms or whatever...... But at the same time, that's not the main reason he killed them. He killed them because HE thought it was so absurd that the dragon would be bound and raped, then killed and eaten. He wanted to believe a fantasy story, rather than reality. I get it but damn you're dumb LMAO

ThotChocolate created a topic of Pond with flowers

Obsessiveeeee honestly... sometimes the art is super pretty other times it's sketchy. Sometimes the hands or bodies look ai and tbh I wouldn't be surprised with there being ai comics now.

This is a weird story, especially being step brothers... But I can't lie when I say I'm interested in seeing what happens next. LMAO

I really hope they defy fate. It'd be crazy if kakyu became the next demon lord in retaliation.

ThotChocolate created a topic of Waterside Night

I doUbT iT wAs My FaUlT BITCH ARE YOU SERIOUS who told you to meddle in your boss's affairs in the first place??? The debt WAS cancelled, or in the process of... It was paused at the very least... BUT they said they SKIPPED A FEW STEPS, aka they just want to hurt the boss and use euihyun to get to him. I hope that dad dies

Is Sanho's shouting/raising his voice annoying? Yes... But he's so emotionally smart, unlike Tak. Tak doesn't know shit except educational shit, he's extremely emotionally constipated that he's about to fucking rupture. Does this chapter make me feel like they're for each other? Nah... Not one bit especially after Tak reiterating how dumb he thinks Sanho is to the point he thought he would never like him.

This author... Really missed a fucking opportunity with these two. This could've been dramatic, heartwrenching, them striving to figure each other out and finding out their feelings for one another... I mean obviously Sanho has liked him for a while with the one comment he made with "there was one point where I thought I could date you", but because of how insufferable the author made their relationship dynamic it ruined both couples for me. Especially with how Lee Hyuk and In Seo ignored Sanho's pleas for so long.

Maaaan it's just frustrating when the writing could've been so good and it could've been so good and so much fun to read. Idk why I'm torturing myself with this, probably bc I might as well read the rest if I'm this far in. At this point I'd rather the author cut it off here and start something new LOL

I'm really curious if the Korean audience enjoys their dynamic... Like, are they more thrilled about them getting together and Tak than we are?

You have to admit, NOBODY in this is innocent except for Juliette. She had to paint her face heavily, masking her natural beauty. Then she had to see her man get with someone else RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER only to in the end be punished for what... Calling out that bitch for talking to her fiancee? The fuck? I hope Juliette ends up living and happy in the end she's the only one innocent in all of this.

Why do creators always do this? Make one of the characters so vile and so irredeemable, only to COMPLETELY change their personality in the end. Don't get me wrong, I love this so much..... But cmon man, if you write a character a certain way you must know psychologically that people do not change unless something drastic and traumatic happen. People do not change easily, even for love, and I think a lot of people forget that when writing.

Our mokhwa has been through a lot, both in life and from this lil red haired prick. He's tolerant because of it, but just remembering what nakwon did to him previously... OOF MAN It hurts my heart because NOBODY would be able to deal with it, no matter how tough you are as a person getting raped so viciously is not only painful, it's also demeaning. He viewed mokhwa as the dirt under his feet and wanted to humiliate him. Man it gets me emotional.

Regardless, we all know they'll probably officially get together soon and it'll be all lovey-dovey and give us all cavities. I enjoy seeing nakwon anxious whenever he thinks he's pushed mokhwa too far, and I like seeing him fret over if what he's done is okay or not.