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ThotChocolate created a topic of Regas

I've already cried to this once when Abel cried from his master dying, I can relate to him... After a loved one passes away and you keep yourself busy or you distract yourself, realization hits later on and sometimes it can take a while to start actually mourning. Losing a loved one never feels fully real.

Spoilers kinda below now.

Warning here's spoilers

This is your last chance to look away

I'm honestly tired of cute buff guys reincarnating or possessing bodies of twinks. Like... Man, Abel is perfect in every way right now. Everyone in the comic reiterates how he looks like a buff potato, but he's so adorable and perfect.... Then boom he changes into the king's type. I have a feeling the king is going to go after Abel's new body and some shit is going to happen to Abel because of it.

You'd think if Abel is this buff guy who has the body of a strongman, his habits would end up affecting the body of his new form even just a little. But I guess it's because every body type is different or some shit.