I’m a non-binary lesbian who loves comics, I tend to either spout nonsense or go on rambling like an old man telling a story. I like to write and tend to always have a lot to say, so my comments are like novels at times (with the length, not the quality of writing LMAO).
My comments have slowly garnered more arguments, at first it pissed me off but now I'm finding it hilarious. I just spout random shit based on experiences, observations, and what I've learnt/witnessed (or even read) and people get offended. I decided that I will embody handsome squidward and ignore the hoes, or reply with the same energy.
We can agree to disagree, just don't be an asshole. I don't mind banter or different point of views, but be respectful. The minute you give an attitude I'll give one back, if you get angry I'll just laugh.
THANK YOU to those who are kind, leave comments (no matter how big or small), or have witty come backs. I hope you all love a lovely day and I hope both sides of your pillows are cold!
Ughhhhhhh man I wish this was longer. I mean why do some shit comics run for so long while something like this is so short?!