For those confused, the chapter has missing panels.

Chibi created a topic of Blood Link

Just re-read, still as awesome as before, I love this story so muchhhhh

Chibi created a topic of Half of Me

Noooo, don't you dareeee, whyyyyy....
I read this thinking: hmm, 63 chapters, love lrobably has already happened right? NOPEEEEE, tortureeeeeeeeeee

Chibi created a topic of Forbidden Odd Melody

She is so annoying...... I mean there were so many signs, how is she even alive being this stupid, how is she a fox? Foxes as animals that have very good senses so that they can survive, she has no sense of danger... I need to know how this ends, but at the same I'm so annoyed at her and at him, how does he think this works? He's gonna keep her in a jail all the time? He wants her to be with him while she's so scared of him? How about showing her that you won't hurt her?

I thought this would be a knock off of Who made a princess, but it's so not, it's certainly inspired in it, but it's so much better then I thought, and the MC is so cuteeee

Where can I order a plushie pleaseeeeee! I need it! ╥﹏╥

Yes, cute ending to very big struggle, love it

Chibi created a topic of Ungracefully Grace

YES! Finally a strong FL that can stand up for herself and kill anyone that messes with her! All she will ever need from the ML will be love hehe

Chibi created a topic of In the Doghouse

The good stuff is starting heheheh

O M G, I loved this chapter!!!! Her little hunt was awesomeeee, she put him right in his place kkkkkkkk

Be afraid of the beats fang as you should! As long as she's a child she can always "loose control of the beast's fang", she's young, what did you expect ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

You thought you messed with a little cat, when in truth you messed with a little lion, of course she scratch you if scare her xD

The fact that she planed all this so that she could fuck him over without him even noticing and having a logic reason to even do it kkkk, they're never again gonna try to mess with our cute little cub heheheh

Ufff, why must they end the chapters like thissss, I wanna see Rudd kill the motherf**ker alreadyyyyy

Chibi created a topic of The beginning after the end

Uff, thank god, at least her death seems dramatic enough, like Tessia's reaction seems right is what I mean, thank god!

I'm confused... When did her fiance get all better?

Chibi created a topic of Can We Become a Family?

I do understand why people are saying this is incest, but to me it isn't, because they didn't spend their whole childhood together and they were not actually sister and brother as he was not even adopted, he was just with them for a bit more then 2 years, to me it's more like a relationship of a kid looking up to the girl that lives in the house next to his, and he calls her sis more like "noona", that is very common in korean, japanese and chinese cultures...

Omg, I love her little hunt! Can't wait for the next chapter, this is tortureeeee

Chibi created a topic of The Melancholic Conman

Can anyone explain to me what it is that the uke has? Like what disease? Why does he say he could die? Why does he have to go to a club?

Chibi created a topic of Lucky Paradise

And here I thought we would finally get them to switch... I'm so sad ┗( T﹏T )┛

Chibi created a topic of An Inferior Relationship

Hmm, the ending was rushed and made no sense, I mean the emotions he felt, the depression, everything, you don't just get over it, also you can't just fix a relationship like that, they are right back to where they were.... Oh well what I expect of a 10 chapters manhwa tho

Chibi created a topic of The beginning after the end

I'm kind of annoyed that him seeing his parents wasn't more dramatic... I mean they haven't seen each other in so long and when he went away it was so dramatic and they talked bout how he wasn't really their son, but he was and about his past life and now all that is forgotten on not even mentioned? Not a hint of worries? None of the scenes of him talking to Sylvie about his worries and about how he feels about his parents? And the sadness of one of the twin horna dying was so small, only one moment of sadness and them right back to the usual facial expression? Also I'm fine with how he looks, because it's not a bad adaptation, but Tessia looks so weird, why does she looks so different, I don't quite understand what makes her look so weird? Is it the eyes... Also why is the magic so shinny and awkward, this new artist needs to work on her magic drawings... I hope she doesn't do that with Arthur's magic... Also I was expecting to see Sylvie's human form as they talked about it, but nothing so far... Sylvie almost hasn't said a single word, and she always loves to re-unite with his family, but none of those cute moments were shown... Also why did the new author draw her head so round? Looks like a ball.... It looks so weird... Sorry for all the complaints, I'm trying to accept this new author but these last two chalter made it really hard...
And is it just me or did his mom look younger than him? Where is her mom face? And she used to be more emotional, now she's souch less, she was emotional, but strong willed because she cared that much about her friends and family, but now she's lost all that made her such a strong character, she looks like an unimportant side character now...