Chibi's feed

Chibi created a topic of An Unseemly Lady

This is so well made, I like everyone xD
But I kind of think it will be Joshua, because she had felt alone so much and Joshua was always there for her. She may like the other two, but it will never be the same, you can't just disapear and go back some years later and expect people to feel the same way when you abandoned her...
Also I think the faft that Aiden didn't respond to her letters was because of the prince, I feel like he talked to Aiden and they made a deal not to aproach her and not to do anything until they were grown up, which seems very immature because she's a person, not the cute, pretty and funny "thing" or "toy" you both want. She will make her decision, and I don't think she will choose those two because they really hurt her and trust is not something that you easily get back after you loose it...