Those tears was all it need kyutie! Don't cry anymore!! (/TДT)/

shinners created a topic of Carrier Falcon Princess

They practically just confessed to one another without actually confessing...

shinners created a topic of The Duke's Teddy Bear

I feel so empty with the most recent chapter(88). The situation between her god-mother(or mother) and Marshall fr just ended with: I tried to make you feel like family, I'm sorry for making you feel otherwise.

The closure was VERY abrupt and unemotional. If anything, I felt as if someone threw a bucket of water at my face like: HA that's all there is to their long awaited reunion.
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

shinners created a topic of Age of arrogance

Can someone get that high-demon away from them..pls

shinners created a topic of Can't Think Straight

dam.. who turned on the central heat
It be hot in here ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

shinners created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Helios is a horrible ruler and by that, I cannot find a liking towards his attitude. He deliberately admits to exploit the contract, which also means he couldn't give a two slap towards Kael indefinitely. He feels bad, so what? How is he going to make it up when he can't apologize until someone gives him the ultimate guilt trip? Kael out here deteriorating, which is a kingdom-known fact, and Helios did what... Just accepted the fact he threw his only loyal friend and partner under the bus? It took over 80 chapters just for this "great friend" to realize he needs to properly address an apology... um ya.. no.

Regardless of being a good husband, he's a guy with poor character. He NOTICES that something is up with his own WIFE, but impedes Hess on the account that he'll do something about Diana... ya OK, as if you're capable of doing that. Keep protecting that wife of yours and see how your kingdom going to last. If you can't even have a proper conversation before the meeting, what's the difference by making a deal of "going through" the contract. He rather go about the other way, talk to Hess about his troubles than speak to the actual problem maker. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

I get it, he's not a bad guy(nah he's pretty much the villain atp) but I just can't freaking like him. His decision-making is probably also the reason why the emperor can't even crown him the emperor. Who is he to judge whomever Kael marries when he couldn't make a sound judgement about his own wife??! HE FREAKING KNEW WHAT HE DID, but didn't want to take accountability of what he did to Kael.

I feel bad for the sickly emperor, though I wish his kingdom falls apart. Like Hestia, I can't wait until Kael becomes irreplaceable and a necessity for the kingdom to survive. Emperors and crown princes can be replaced (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

mmm... I can't say for sure if the seme is really trash per say.. like sure he doesn't exhibit good character, but I also wouldn't say he's trash. Since this is based on uke's POV he may seem like one-- and the translations doesn't pick up on all the nuances so again-- halting my judgement for the time being. Uke became hyper aware of his appearance and built up an inferior complex, which also exaggerates his perception of how others are viewing him.

shinners created a topic of 2020

The sexual angst be real... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

God she’s so embarrassing… Her husband is of royalty… so what of it

Omg I love how he drop his sword to catch Lottie.. LOVE ITTTTTT

shinners created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

I'm stunned by her... erm.. thoughts

I absolutely love ch41, not because of her state ofc!
The author didn't make the trope of 'man saving the day', which I don't despise or anything.. just overused
I'm SOO glad it wasn't made into that and she was able to fend herself in time. I teared up when her friend picked up, like thank GOODNESS she was there.

I wouldn't be too sure what I would've been able to do in that situation, but I can relate to having to call out even in the most dire times. That.. hit so hard because I've done the same and I couldn't tell if the situation I was in had made me upset or having to call in work to say I'm unable to make it in for work because of XYZ... Dam so relatable!

Can't seem to like Mechina as a whole, and giving her a redemption arc is kind of a slap in the face. Yes she was following the demands of her parents, and I will accept that prior to her academy-days. During her academy days, however, she CHOSE to feed information to a known enemy. FL could've died through her citron allergy!!

Again, yes, her family was being used as proxy, I GET IT!

Though it really puts a bad taste when someone is out attempting murder so openly just so that 'someone' gain their greed. Honestly, this could've been a friendly rivalry between the ladies, but it's the parents wanting more than they handle. This is why guidance is IMPORTANT, and i'm not saying parents in general, but the people in that household.

I don't like Mechina and probably won't throughout the series, but as long as she stays in her lane that's fine. Her choices are not my liking, but it is what it is. I'm not looking for faults here, but just saying I don't like her character.

He's projecting his ideals onto her and not knowing that she gives zero fooks about whatever "power" he's holding in his tiny head.. what a moron
we finally have her FREEEED :D

Omg.. my blood pressure T_T