It’s like a bdsm relationship of course taehwan isn’t gonna be nice he likes to degrade and yeonwoo likes to be degraded that’s how it is I’m sure it will get more affectionate soon but I’m just saying yeonwoo likes this and if he wanted to stop I’m sure taehwoon would like in a few episodes back when he was like well if you don’t want to do it you don’t have to

Yeahh I agree. Both parties are totally into this, and it's clear that Yeonwoo really wants this--fantasizes about this, so I don't see their relationship as problematic at all. Taehwan does have some issues, but he hasn't been crossing boundaries that would make Yeonwoo uncomfortable (Yeonwoo actually did). I think their relationship is interesting and I look forward to it

Anyone know their ages lmao I’m genuinely curious

i answered a comment like this a while back so i’ll just copy and paste what i said lol:
nakyum's an alcoholic. he has a pretty bad drinking problem, which means he's at or above the drinking age. i'm not sure if they had drinking laws back then, but i'm assuming no pub owner would let a minor in, let alone drink. plus, nakyum must've had been painting for a while if seungho grew obsessed with his work, and i don't believe a "13-15 year old" could even have that kind imagination, and be able to make a living out of it at the time. so a safe estimate would be 20 to 24 at max. my guess is 22-23, since in the beginning it was stated that nakyum became a drunkard, which would mean he'd been drinking for at least a few years prior. seungho might be just a few years older than that, so i'd say he's at least 24-26. since he's not that mature himself, and isn't that fond of men older than him, he's definitely more on the youthful side, even though his actions contradict that.
anyone know any other manga, manwha, manhua, or comics with eating disorder as the main topic?
. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness by Nagata Kabi talks a lot about eds, while also talking about her life experience with depression, parental abuse, and of course, being queer and how all these things tied together in her life. very good read, prepare to cry your eyes out