Ok call me whatever but imma judge this and it is my personal op! After reading 600+ romance mangas and webtoons this story needed more emotional depth this was so simple it had to be more complex as this is a vampire story… it had to like be more different no? Like the ART IS SOO BEAUTIFUL… yes but the story? I couldn’t get cozy with the characters cause they had no depth yes they were hot n pretty “vampires” after all and yes lived 200 or more years…mist get boring but everything was too fast scripted they finally found what they were looking for and done.. in some one shots you feel more emotions and closure than what you just read in 6 chapters.. hey if you guys like it great im happy for yall everyone is different but this made me feel is just like you see a beautiful man or woman you get curious start getting to know them and bamm they are just beauty no personality is the kinda feeling i got when i finished this… I usually dont put my judgment on comments but since i read enough shit i felt like it haha. What do you think? Will you be my hater or supporter on this opinion ~