BruisedHeart July 26, 2020 1:50 am

Ok I already guessed it a long time ago when Mr. Fahrenheit said “ everything i am telling you can be lies “. Which i said to myself -“oh yea for sure there is going to be something a lil twist about his identity “. Actually for the last chapter I thought it would be someone Jun knew as a friend from school or something idk why I thought that but ye... guessed it wrong...
It was sad to see such a young person doing suicide... I just sometimes get these urges to escape my reality but I don’t think suicide would ever be the right answer to solve the problems. Like if Mr. Fahrenheit did wait a bit more Jun could have come and somehow help him. They could have helped eachother and they both liked eachother even if they never met. I am just saying that suicide is just a very cruel thing to be done to yourself and others even if you feel like disappearing. So guys whoever you are reading this even if I don’t know you I just hope none of you ever do anything like that because your lives are precious and you are wonderful people! We all have our flaws we are not perfect, normal or not normal. We are what we are, we all have someone who will help us and someone we will help! That is why we have to stay strong and look forward to that hell of a ride called LIFE!

BruisedHeart July 24, 2020 5:22 pm

I have so many reasons to hate most of the characters, Jun and Miura as well but if I had to point out one thing that I hated the most is that as a girl Miura Is this symbol in manga For females out there who don’t see sexualities and homosexuality as a bad thing for me but she disturbs me as most women would be more of idk selfless and helpful in any kind of way for the situation Jun is in ( she just blabs to people some dumb shit and it iş not even a good explanation like no one gives much shit... I don’t, she just doesn’t make sense ) . She has to support him as a friend at least till Jun found his path and way to live with himself and accepting himself But she is dragging the lovers thing going on still and why? they won’t do anything sexual or out of love for each other... like Jun kissed her because I actually don’t know why... But still she just had to stay by his side as a good friend and help him out that way and be at least more mature about the situation. FOR GODS SAKE JUN TRIED SUICIDE AND FAILED. HT GIRL GIVE HIM MORE OF AN EMOTIONAL SUPPORT NOT ACT LIKE A SPOILED BRAT AND SAY OOO THIS GIVES A FEELING LIKE THE OCEANN!

I don’t even make sense anymore I’m just that tired of the bad character development in this. The only character who is nice is Jun’s best friend.

BruisedHeart July 23, 2020 6:20 pm

Like she even said he couldn’t get it up etc like she didn’t had to give the whole detail of everything... and I thought that he would give a big meaningful speech himself, but man she asked for him to kiss her but i think she had to give the mic so he could say the things he had to... i mean also when the other guy said “ Be a man for once “ felt like turn back to being “ normal for once “ as the straight people say and that made me feel like there was literally not one bit of acceptance shown by the others for him being homosexual still...

I think this manga is good but the author makes some dumb complicated decisions that ruins the moments a bit
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    ibuki29 July 23, 2020 6:32 pm

    Yes, i agree, ini don't like that "be a man for once" thing and i still don't like that guy who said it lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    BruisedHeart July 24, 2020 4:48 pm
    Yes, i agree, ini don't like that "be a man for once" thing and i still don't like that guy who said it lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ibuki29

    Yup same! Don’t you think he has to at least apologize? He is literally acting like suicide attempt didn’t happen... like idk school had to be more understanding for a student who is lost and has depression and tried to end his life! And in the freaking school! I’m just pissed the more I think about it.

    ibuki29 July 25, 2020 2:51 am
    Yup same! Don’t you think he has to at least apologize? He is literally acting like suicide attempt didn’t happen... like idk school had to be more understanding for a student who is lost and has depression... BruisedHeart

    Super agreee!!
    I mean, did he forget that the source of the problem is himself telling everyone that the mc is gay when they're perfectly aware it's a sensitive matter (oh also, he's being annoying from the start ever since before the mc going out with the girl. I know the mc also in the wrong about the relationship but jerk, it's not your bussiness tbh ( ̄∇ ̄")). And he still show up, preaching the mc to do the "right" thing for once like he's the ally of justice. Wtf this is why this manga is a love hate manga for me. Feel so tired reading this but still reading it until the end tho lol (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    BruisedHeart July 25, 2020 11:59 am

    Hahah i agree this manga is totally a love hate manga for me too ( tbh I believe everyone is feeling that way right at this moment ). I think the beginning was an interesting beginning but it just started to become tiring to the end... i think this had sooo much potential in it and was ruined with some little details that shouldn’t have been there... but ofc i will read this till the end! Can’t stop now~
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ lets give it all we got!

BruisedHeart July 23, 2020 6:00 pm

Literally I am suffocating more then those two in there... like we have to take not only one but 3 people’s stress 1st Dohyun’s, 2nd Sungho’s and 3rd MINEEEEEE! Im losing it here my heart is not pumping correctly anymore...

    ashishitoot July 23, 2020 6:11 pm

    This really made me laugh cuz saaamedt Hahahaha arent we all

    BruisedHeart July 23, 2020 6:22 pm
    This really made me laugh cuz saaamedt Hahahaha arent we all ashishitoot

    Well i am glad that at least i made you laugh and took out some of the suffocation i guess?
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

BruisedHeart July 25, 2020 1:00 pm

I am so sick and tired of waiting here for someone to come and update this Manhwa IMMA GO LEARN KOREAN I JUST CANT WAIT ANYMORE!

    Liz September 20, 2020 9:28 am

    It's there on TappyToon! If you don't have money you could try doing the offers/videos to read. It's a slow process but at least you can read while supporting the author for free

    BruisedHeart September 21, 2020 10:51 pm
    It's there on TappyToon! If you don't have money you could try doing the offers/videos to read. It's a slow process but at least you can read while supporting the author for free Liz

    Well thanks for trying to help but I did try Tappytoon and i don't get those ads or offers at least maybe i miss them idk i will try again so thanks anyways :)

    Liz September 22, 2020 7:23 am
    Well thanks for trying to help but I did try Tappytoon and i don't get those ads or offers at least maybe i miss them idk i will try again so thanks anyways :) BruisedHeart

    Maybe u can try using a VPN??? Sometimes I do that and it works for me

    BruisedHeart September 22, 2020 10:18 am
    Maybe u can try using a VPN??? Sometimes I do that and it works for me Liz

    Okay i will give it a go thanks a lot (=・ω・=)

BruisedHeart July 22, 2020 3:57 pm

Man i just don’t know what i would be doing in that moment in the hospital seeing him again...

like it’s so damn hard to look at someone who is my ex childhood boyfriend who kidnapped me for his own twisted feelings to the old warehouse where we had all these memories to tortur and abuse me till i lose my own mind and meaning and then make my head get twisted with the emotions of love for him again and act like we can start over become a happy family and we fuck happily ever after... ( edit: BIX HECK YEAAA BUT ALSO NOOO! ) and then when i start to think this is wrong again him drugging me to stop stressing over it and when i realize the situation I’m in is not something that I can look back as if nothing happened I would also shout and say mean things out of losing myself in that situation after all i have gone through ... and when i wake up again seeing Sungho stabbed on the fucking floor with blood all over... so selfish... i mean come on dude literally...! What do you expect it be done! I would have also taken him to the hospital but like till the end Jung Sungho is being pretty selfish... yea both characters have their sad background emotional situations but that doesn’t mean you cant act a bit more thoughtfully! Sungho had to give some space... and now he is acting as if he is the victim.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 ┗( T﹏T )┛

    BruisedHeart July 22, 2020 4:01 pm

    Man writing this actually calmed me down a bit.. Sigh*
    I love writing! it’s such a nice way to relax after a rough long plot with so many twisted stuff happening! ( tho i still love this webtoon ~ )

    maychan July 22, 2020 4:50 pm

    I mean what the uke did in their high school wasn't healthy or nice either. he kinda force him too and twisted his mind too, forcing him have sex so... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ the uke is selfish preak too. he is not blameless victim in here.
    they both did twisted and selfish acts to each other.

    BruisedHeart July 22, 2020 10:16 pm

    Yes but the level is different. Like for example in school they were both kids with ideas and feelings of one another and im sure it was confusing to understand . They were both only thinking stuff from their version of ideas that is why they couldn’t keep up with their feelings for eachother etc etc...and they were both selfish in their own ways and yes Dohyun was the one who twisted Sungho but not everyone would turn out that way and you don't have to go out of rails and make a hell of a torture and kidnap your ex childhood boyfriend for what he did in the past.
    But let’s forget all this and i just have to say one thing i just myself find it selfish which is suicide. Whatever the situation is killing yourself is just the most selfish thing you can do to another person. Yes Dohyun said it but who would be at their right mind? I don't really take sides i just think there is this big level of twisted form for both of the characters and for me Sungho is a lot more then Dohyun.

    maychan July 22, 2020 10:24 pm
    Yes but the level is different. Like for example in school they were both kids with ideas and feelings of one another and im sure it was confusing to understand . They were both only thinking stuff from their v... BruisedHeart

    1. he wasn't a kid, he was a teenager.
    2. he still didn't have any right to twist other people around him cause he is a selfish prick.
    3. the uke literally almost murder him with a knife, you can't really called it a suicide ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

BruisedHeart July 21, 2020 11:54 am

Did Ezekiel just dumped Janette!?
Janette: “ hello darkness my old friend... “
Oho Janette’s Papa saw dattt~
What he gonna do about it hmm~

Well I am kinda stuck on which Character Athy should go with but Ezekiel feels too faint as a character right now. If we were to compare it to Lucas which is older has the power to protect Athy and rule the kingdom too ( also is more in the chapters then Ezekiel ) But I think Author doesn’t put Ezekiel much into the story and Lucas is just there with Athy all the time yk... if only Ezekiel was somehow in more of the chapters with princess too, some of us could have seen him and Athy more of a choice like Lucas.

    BruisedHeart July 21, 2020 12:08 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ika Yushika

    I’m happy enough with our daddy and Athy

    BruisedHeart July 21, 2020 12:14 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Gravenshi

    No no I said that as some kind of joke because the vibes of that scene was just like a break up scene ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    Like there was some tension and well why Ezekiel said that out of the blue? Maybe so Janette will understand his feelings towards Athy so she can stop at the boundary Ezekiel put on to her right at this moment. And for some reason Jeannette was kinda giving sad vibes.. so ye it was just a joke I said as what it made me feel. Sorry to confuse you...

    BruisedHeart July 21, 2020 12:20 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ika Yushika

    Ugh why did this made me sad...
    I don’t know what I am feeling right at this moment and what makes me happy as shipping etc, I mean ye I am 100% TEAM CLAUDE but as we all know he will never be out of Athy’s life as his daddy for a very long time i hopeee. But still like one day Athy has to go with one Ezekiel or Lucas and if I had to pick one I just am a jumble juice rn...
    I like Izekiel’s this protective gentle side, he is a true gentleman and had been in love with the princess ever since they met. And well Lucas is just extraordinarily sly but also powerful with his cute sides leaking out of him and both characters are so opposite from one another but also they want the same thing which is Athy and man I wish I knew what I wanted like them.
    But I mean we are just readers putting up with this so ye... (⌒▽⌒)

    BruisedHeart July 21, 2020 12:24 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Gravenshi

    Well no they were not and we will see if they ever will. I mean Janette has to have at least someone loving her... I mean come on poor her. She has no family and still is too gentle and kind and is always happy as long as she sees Athy. She could have become this mean revengeful person till now because she didn’t get much love etc but she is still so pure...
    She deserves some love too.. ╥﹏╥

    BruisedHeart July 21, 2020 2:43 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Gravenshi

    Well I’m sorry opsss
    I’m taking things too seriously (⊙…⊙ ) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    BruisedHeart July 22, 2020 3:32 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ika Yushika

    Oho if that were to happen i hope it can even pass the beauty of our Claude (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
    But that just feels impossible he is too gorgeous...(≧∀≦)

BruisedHeart July 18, 2020 10:33 pm

I actually don’t like the term “ homo “... like it sounds so mean and bad, like you are already disgusted by them that you feel like naming them and calling them homo or in some specific term like naming a filthy thing like virus. Am I the only one feeling like that hearing the term homo?
Like whenever someone is asking “ are you a HOMO? “ it just feels so rude and mean to me... ┗( T﹏T )┛
( I mean ye we have to name it I guess but gay at least sounds better then homo... )

    SayerSong July 18, 2020 11:52 pm

    Same. I hate seeing that used because it comes off as so derogatory. Homosexual doesn’t bother me, but homo does. But I think that might have been one of the reasons the author used it. As a way to let the audience know how emotionally distant the non-gay characters were to the reality of what it is like as a homosexual. Basically, they don’t have a proper understanding, so they just throw out this term without realizing how bad they sound when saying it. They think the term is normal. They either romanticize the concept (in Moira’s case), or sneer at it as an abomination (as in Ono’s case and the boyfriend of Miura’s friend when at the con and the hot springs). And Jun uses it as a distancing device out of fear of what he perceives is his own “abnormality.”

    IF that’s the case (and I am not saying it is, because I am not the author, and therefore can only make a conjuncture), as abhorrent as the word is, it would work for these very reasons. But also, it that were the case, I would have hoped that once things came out and got settled, that the term would stop being used, and instead they would start saying gay or homosexual, as a show that they were all finally starting to come to terms with and understand the reality of what it has been like and to show that they are all maturing.

    BruisedHeart July 19, 2020 1:06 am

    Yes I thought the same conclusion as you and yes I also believe that the Author is using the term homo in this because to show what the two sides give out the feeling of disgust to show us the other characters see it as an abnormal thing. Well good to hear I’m not the only one. Thanks for the reply :)

    2 + 2 = 5 July 19, 2020 3:24 am

    SAME i really hate the overuse of the word homo cause it's... pretty derogatory in english as far as i know? but i think it's just a matter of translation and how the japanese language works... i guess?

    BruisedHeart July 19, 2020 10:13 am
    SAME i really hate the overuse of the word homo cause it's... pretty derogatory in english as far as i know? but i think it's just a matter of translation and how the japanese language works... i guess? 2 + 2 = 5

    I think the author tried showing the disgust and uneasiness the other characters felt about the homosexuality and that is why they all were using the term homo* . I am sure you also felt bad hearing them using the term Homo because it was to show disturbances around Jun. And some of us also felt like it was being said towards us at times ( at least i did even though i am not homosexual ) it just effected me... and i felt offended and sad that they put it that way

BruisedHeart July 18, 2020 10:26 pm

I just started to read the last two chapters shouting outloud with tears flowing down through my eyes. I think my house became an aquarium of sadness and pain in just with two last chapters.

BruisedHeart July 18, 2020 10:35 pm

I also listen to sad music in those kinds of moments and they always come up right for the mood.

I just started to cry the moment he felt like jumping to the train rails or when he said “ hm “ to Miura asking him if he was a homo... it just hit me hard because he said it out loud for the first time...

Tho his psychology is so dark and hard to understand, I mean he is making everything hard for himself.. i know that it’s not easy to accept yourself and being hated on but again Not accepting yourself for who you are also won’t change a thing either it will only poison your own mind.

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