The problem to trust a new person is hard cause everyone starts good yk… all relationships have this honeymoon phase all guys act perfect at first but… couple months and that table turns upside down and the new one does the same so like how can you be sire they will stay good to you when the first was also good to you in the beginning? It’s just I understand why some of us would have trust issues i mean we all tried so hard to love them make them happy be accepted by them but no matter what you do they aint it and to be honest i think she just gotta be a bit independent like learn it and then try things with him. But yk story wont go that way but like idk good boyboy :)

Ok call me whatever but imma judge this and it is my personal op! After reading 600+ romance mangas and webtoons this story needed more emotional depth this was so simple it had to be more complex as this is a vampire story… it had to like be more different no? Like the ART IS SOO BEAUTIFUL… yes but the story? I couldn’t get cozy with the characters cause they had no depth yes they were hot n pretty “vampires” after all and yes lived 200 or more years…mist get boring but everything was too fast scripted they finally found what they were looking for and done.. in some one shots you feel more emotions and closure than what you just read in 6 chapters.. hey if you guys like it great im happy for yall everyone is different but this made me feel is just like you see a beautiful man or woman you get curious start getting to know them and bamm they are just beauty no personality is the kinda feeling i got when i finished this… I usually dont put my judgment on comments but since i read enough shit i felt like it haha. What do you think? Will you be my hater or supporter on this opinion ~

I totally agree with you, i didn't get emotional with it at all i guess because they didn't show us their emotions and life as a vampire and just heard it from their monologue which is not enough to sympathize with them, they could show more when they adopt the girl could kinda help too. In general eternity is a heavy topic as human to understand it we need more depth to their character cus to be honest if i was immortal like them having someone i love beside me also immortal i would never Wish to die there is so much to do in life also most of other stories focus on the part when u become immortal u become lonely and watch all you beloved die and that what kinda make us sympathize with them but here they are just feeling bored of life so yea not something gonna make me cry but yea good art i guess

The trauma she will have from this day on she already has ptsd she sees him and all… idk how the story will go and the author will make Satoko’s character develop but in real life you either become numb and give up or turn psycho which I believe the trauma will make Satoko numb like ur own dad turned out to be the biggest villain your whole life was a lie you started wanting different things and fell for a man who was your kidnapper and savior for the first time her first and last love probably since she will be forced ro marry someone at least that what she believes… then you see your dad’s men slaughter your friends and family you made in the island.. the Boss is dead probably and him and that pretty lady will now never be together… but I doubt our crazy lover of a boy will get her back you see his resilience even in that shape he is in!
Finally an author who aint some maniac playing with reader’s feelings constantly!