So I was reading the raws and......
So Yeonwoo sprays pheromones on Junhyuk which causes him to go into heat, Junhyuk goes heat and sees Yeonwoo (the fox) and thinks it's Daeun (the dog) and ends up sleeping with him. Suhyun thankfully comes in and snaps some sense into Junhyuk, Yeon-woo isn't happy. Later on, Yeonwoo tells Daeun that he and Junhyuk slept together >:(

Firstly he had more than enough time to "reconnect" or "find" Hye-sung. Secondly, why pin the blame on him? Because the mother felt as though SHE DIDN'T want to take responsibility for Hye-Seung, you as the father are in the wrong! You abused his mother and mentally abused Hye-Seung because he looked like this mother. You call yourself a father but no "father" would do what you did. You're just now wanting to play father because you see that your son married a rich alpha, Hye-Seung married not you, you have no right or say as to who Hye-Seung can marry. They especially do not have to give you a right to see Byul or Hye-Seung! He is a capable adult, an ADULT!!!! So FUCK OFF you opportunist bitch

I'm still rooting for him........
After he hangs up, he feels terribly bad and is very uneasy. He sits on the coach and imagines that Soo-young is laying there while he reflects what he felt about Soo-young the first time they met, he goes on saying that Soo-young is his missing puzzle piece that Tae-Seung has been missing but doesn't know what to do. After the reflection Tae-Seung finally realizes that he wants Soo-young "I need him" to be exact! Meanwhile Soo-young is fighting that gang, while fighting the boss someone comes from behind and hit Soo-young on the head almost knocking him out but grabs on and bites the bosses leg, the boss stabs Soo-young in his back then Minyeok comes and stabs the boss in the stomach. Minyeok pulls the knife out but Soo-young is having trouble staying concious. Few moments later Tae-seung shows up with back up and sees Minyeok helping Soo-young and get angry because he wanted to be the one to help Soo-young. "Why did you get here before me" were his exact words, Tae-seung picks up Soo-young and comforting him telling him that everything will be okay after he says that Soo-young loses conciousness. (all of this happens in 2 chapters)

It gets spicy!!
Soo-young and Tae-Seung have some steamy and spicy car sex that does involve spanking *Debby Ryan smirk* after that whatever his face goes to the club with his gang and fight Soo-young (during the fight Tae-Seung is realizing that he wants Soo-young his exact words are "I need him" as he imagines himself stroking his head as he sleeps next to him), Soo-young gets stabbed in the back *literally* Mik is there to help then Tae-Seung comes in with his backup, he sees Soo-young and Mik. Mik confronts Tae-Seung asking why him. Tae-Seung with an angry face just grabs Soo-Young and comforts him telling him that everything will be okay!!! That's it so far....

I just read the raws and omg!!
Wowo and his dad get into an accident along with his roommate, the roommate is okay but both wowo and the dad(forgot his name) going to to get an operation. The dad is okay but they are saying the wowo is going to need a blood transfusion but the hospital is short on blood...Cheng gets there is offers blood but before they do they are going to check him to see if he meets the standard but the roommates stops him because he knows if cheng does the scan, cheng would find out that wowo is his son. But he doesn't do it because he begged him. Wowo is okay after that argument but the doctor talked to Cheng and told him that he looks like wowo and should get a DNA test.
Our nephew is on the way!!!!!!