A word of advice from someone who has been there. Do not go to college. College is a scam and anyone who took a year off will tell you the same. Many jobs out there that cost an arm and a leg to get a college degree for, will be available for free if you just find someone to teach you. Electrician, teacher, Personal Trainer. Guarantee you if you sp......
i want to do music but my mom isnt that supportive, so im auditioning without my moms knowledge, wish me luck lol
I finished hs and actually got accepted for a scholarship in medical at an oversea college. But things got rough and I couldnt cover the expense so I drop out and started a part time job. I dont have any interest in being a doctor but my family and friends always expected me to become one cause im good at studying. I hate blood and i hate dealing w......
"well young Midoriya if you don't want to eat my hair there are other options.. "
I knew it. Batman is a zoophile why else would he cosplay as a bat
Nahh ur not a disgusting person feel free to read what ever u want coz that your life no one can stop you from linking anythings. :)) u own ur And not some dip xhit who will show up and prevent you with anything. But the most disgusting person that ikr is a person who "judge quickly" when they dont know what really happening. Like they poke into......
Look it’s Levi, humanity’s badass!