BeeLame October 11, 2020 10:11 am

I'm only on chapter 24 but omg I love Julius so much he's so fucking mellow compared to the normal "scary" MLs lol and I love how weird they are together, just zero fucks

    LysLaz October 13, 2020 11:24 pm

    Don’t get too invested. Unfortunately, it was dropped. ╥﹏╥

BeeLame October 10, 2020 10:51 am

Y'all it isn't far fetched that she avoided him because she didn't wash her hair. Do you know how many things people won't do around and avoid their partner and crush over? Like

    kingjamesxuncledrew October 10, 2020 10:57 am

    ummmm .... we wouldnt know??? XD XD XD single pringles unite

    BeeLame October 10, 2020 11:26 am
    ummmm .... we wouldnt know??? XD XD XD single pringles unite kingjamesxuncledrew

    LOL idk I've always heard stuff from friends or things online like people won't go shit at a crush or new partner's house and will not be around them without makeup and stuff. Idk it's all dumb stuff imo but it happens

    KitKat October 10, 2020 3:25 pm

    I was just concerned that she dodged a lovable psycho who could destruct the world over her unclean hair

BeeLame October 8, 2020 4:02 pm


    Celin-sama October 8, 2020 4:55 pm

    We all got second male lead syndrome

    puoi October 8, 2020 6:24 pm


BeeLame October 8, 2020 2:33 pm

Yea I just started the second chapter and I dropped it immediately. ML is dumb asf has no clue how to blend in, how the fuck did he become a secret agent? And then the FL is a fucking pick me soooo yea

BeeLame October 8, 2020 2:26 pm

Okay y'all are acting like an Emperor's ruling is absolute and the Marquess has no room to say in whether Estrella is an imperial child or not. Have y'all not read other manhwas where fake princesses and shit come in? Like ? Dude has every right to question such an anomaly that Estrella's reappearance is. You don't want people to blindly follow things. And anyway, Emperors/Czars/Monarchs/Whatevers need the support of their people, especially those who also have power, otherwise you have shit like the French and Bolshevik Revolutions. The Emperor can very well easily be overthrown if enough nobles or commoners get pissed at one wrong doing lol it's only realistic that there is other views and checks and balances of some form set up

    BeeLame October 8, 2020 3:36 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    LMFAO YES THAT TOO they were all fucking crackheads I SWEARRRRRR

BeeLame October 4, 2020 3:45 pm

I made a really similar thread on another manhwa comment section recently but it's SUCH an overplayed trope and pretty annoying. Like .. Rykell, you don't need to nearly murder anyone for the slightest thing. And also really? All the bs about limiting her time with boys her age because you get all weird about them possibly liking her? And the fact that she had literally everyone helping her out and by her side all the time? Can't she learn how to do shit on her own without someone whispering in her ear and telling her what to do? I get that she's young but she needs to learn to be a little more self sufficient. Also it's kinda low-key a dies ex machina for her to suddenly unlock magic during the race.

    BeeLame October 4, 2020 3:50 pm

    Also yes, I understand that she has trauma and that a good support system is necessary to help overcome it but so is personal work, choices, and labor. She is just following everything they tell her to do in unpleasant, new, and even pressing situations which I think is a complete crutch since that's happening always.

    Shuyaa October 4, 2020 11:50 pm
    Also yes, I understand that she has trauma and that a good support system is necessary to help overcome it but so is personal work, choices, and labor. She is just following everything they tell her to do in un... BeeLame

    Ah, it's a bit hard to explain about some of your highlighted point without going to the spoiler territory .
    But yep.This Maybelle has 0 initiative, and Rykell and co.'s plan is to pamper her lol. It will change little by little after she got her magic staff & decides what she wants.

    - Maybelle's first magic actually activated far before this golem fiasco. There is a reason why Rykell pointed magic swords to Maybelle in their 1st meet. It will be exploited in the next season because it connected to Rykell's chain.

    - About Maybelle's magic : she belongs to the "true mages" type like her parents. Their "wish and determination" is the deciding factor of their magic (not the magic formula like ordinary mage). It will be explained bit by bit later .

    - The main problem for me is the narration. I'm not sure if there is a gap between the adaptation but Maybelle is more perceptive in the novel, but her fear still overcomes her in 1st season (MTL-ing manhwa done, and I also MTL the novel 2nd season, and the 3rd season I got spoilers from a forum).

    - I agree with you about that overplayed trope XD. Even Rykell knows that its stupid and will apologize to Maybelle.

    And this title 100% need patience to read.
    the flow of the story is like this :
    - 1st season is something like an introduction (so many missing parts, and Maybelle is pretty much protected by everyone. Maybelle 10 years old)
    - 2nd season is where Maybelle works hard in magic & making friends (still pampered by Rykell, tho) (The missing part will be filled partially, the main conflict arose because Rykell finally declare a grand scale rebellion. Maybelle 11 years old)
    - 3rd season is Maybelle's true debut as an archmage in training, Rykell finally allows her to do missions without him (but she also has partners like Aslan, Abel, and Bellerophon) (Rykell and his family lives as fugitive and Maybelle trains harder to help in the 2nd war. Maybelle 14 y.o and older).

    The novel still ongoing...

    WeebOfLevi October 5, 2020 1:07 am

    You must not read any manuhas like this one.I’ve seen a lot and I mean a lot of manuha’s that are just like this one, we’re the MC dies and has to survive as a killers daughter or some shit.In this case she wasn’t reborn,a lot of manuhas are like this.Once you read so many manuhas like this one you get used to seeing, overprotective dads, overprotective “bodyguard”.Like honestly everything is so..Idk the right word, but like it’s so easy to read.Or you just know what’s going to happen.It’s obvious the dads finna be protective, the bodyguard is going to be overprotective.So honestly it’s nothing new at this point. :/ And honestly I find it cute (=・ω・=)

    Shuyaa October 5, 2020 3:25 am
    You must not read any manuhas like this one.I’ve seen a lot and I mean a lot of manuha’s that are just like this one, we’re the MC dies and has to survive as a killers daughter or some shit.In this case s... WeebOfLevi

    YES XD
    almost all of the "dad-daughter" manhwa & manhua following the tropes.

    fortunately, Rykell and Maybelle's support system is sane enough so Rykell won't be as extreme as the other dads (Rykell raises Maybelle following his wife's wish, meaning that he accepts that Maybelle will leave the house and continue her life, venturing the unknown world. he is not happy about that, tho.. so he tries to monopolize Maybelle before the dreaded day XD)

    The best scene where Rykell's "overprotective side" battling with the "wise father side" is when he let Maybelle do her first errand as the Archmage's daughter. Both he and Khan freaked out when Maybelle choose to walk for 2 days rather than riding the drake (only several hours) to the village. the rest of the adventure in that arc is funny XD.

BeeLame October 4, 2020 10:02 am

I swear to fuck Joseph better be the goddamn ML otherwise I will yeet my phone so fucking hard across the room in anger. He is sweet and honorable and the fact that he defended her in their past lives even though they didn't get along shows it. PLUS HE AS BLACK HAIR AND GREEN EYES LIKE PERCY JACKSON WHICH IS S U P E R I O R and like did y'all not see how he got dressed up all cute and fancy just to ask her out? And how he turned so red? AHHHHHHHH I AM SWOONING I LOVE HIM SM HE BETTER BE THE ML IDGAF MEET CUTES ARE NOT NECESSARY

    IceCreamCheeseCake October 4, 2020 10:19 am


    BeeLame October 4, 2020 10:25 am


BeeLame October 2, 2020 7:49 pm

Not y'all ignoring the fact that they're still half siblings who share a father

    Mochimchim October 2, 2020 8:30 pm

    Naah actually they aren't half siblings. There's actually part where the mother says to her bodyguard that one of them must survive to protect their daughter (in chapter where the ML goes rampant)

    BeeLame October 3, 2020 1:54 pm
    Naah actually they aren't half siblings. There's actually part where the mother says to her bodyguard that one of them must survive to protect their daughter (in chapter where the ML goes rampant) Mochimchim

    Oop well I dropped before thennnn LMAO once it was confirmed that he like liked her I noped tf out. Even then tho, does the FL and ML know that? It's MESSY and not the good kinda messy idk just too sweet home Alabama for me still

    Mochimchim October 3, 2020 2:22 pm
    Oop well I dropped before thennnn LMAO once it was confirmed that he like liked her I noped tf out. Even then tho, does the FL and ML know that? It's MESSY and not the good kinda messy idk just too sweet home A... BeeLame

    Yeah I get u. Cuzz as far as they know they're siblings right? So it doesn't sit well with me either

    BeeLame October 3, 2020 2:39 pm
    Yeah I get u. Cuzz as far as they know they're siblings right? So it doesn't sit well with me either Mochimchim

    Yea idk who comes up with this type of stuff and just goes like, yeah this is good

BeeLame October 2, 2020 7:14 pm

Anyone tired of the overprotective family trope? It's so overdone and it's not even cute or funny. Like stfu if she wants to do something, let her. Not like she's gonna fuck him and they go to sleep together and the child version will awake naked in bed with her

    youraedthiswrogn October 3, 2020 3:55 am

    That's very specific, wtf?

    Serotonin October 3, 2020 8:39 am

    Good sir, that's an oddly specific example you gave there

    BeeLame October 3, 2020 1:51 pm
    Good sir, that's an oddly specific example you gave there Serotonin

    I mean that's how my irritation to the trope plays into things regarding this story Like let the girl goddamn nap and cuddle with the dude if she wants

BeeLame October 1, 2020 7:03 am

I swear it better be Hugo if it's a choice between the current two guys. I love him sooooo much lol

    BakaUsagi96 October 8, 2020 9:16 pm

    I like Hugo too! But, Childhood friends doesn't win that much.

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