So far I'm loving this story. I quite like Athanasia a lot, along with the other characters. She's quite a refreshing MC and quite funny. I love how she doesn't try to be beyond mature considering she was reborn again like other isekai protagonists do when they are reborn. I'm kinda dreading when Jennette appears because the overly sweet and nice characters are super annoying because their only flaws are they're insanely sweet and nice and just perfect. Annoying and boring.

If you like Who Made Me a Princess consider buying some of these stickers and other stuff.

20 Chapters in and I'm amazed at how well done this is. Normally I hate the cold-blooded war hero characters because they still end up being assholes even after their supposed softer sides are shown but I really like our ML. Sure he's brash and still quite cold but you can already see the good aspects shining out easily once push comes to shove after Edna marries him. I also love Edna. She's such an awesome MC. Very smart and bold but not annoying like a lot MC's like her tend to be. Her mom is also super well written. Kinda reminds me a little bit of Pink Diamond for some reason but also not. Her reasons for presenting Edna as Prince Eden are very valid despite being selfish as Edna didn't have a choice or say. The characters are really well written so far and I'm enjoying this a lot

Okay so like I mentioned in an earlier thread, outside of the way she spoke as a baby (lol), I love this manhwa. It's too dm cute and I'm really loving her friends(?). IDK if they could be called that per se but y'all get the gist. It's funny how they fight over her. I also love her brothers so much, it's funny how Lus is over protective of her. Though I do wish she was a little older. It's still really strange and weird people just go with her insane level of matureness for her age... Which is still five. I wish she was like seven at this point but it's alright I guess. Also I find it incredibly weird that Hal is all around her and getting feels considering he's seven years older than her at 12... Kinda creepy. Maybe if the age gap wasn't so huge it wouldn't be as icky as it feels. Though I do like him as a character. It's just the age gap. IDK why the author decided to do it so huge and have him start catching feels for someone who is such a young kid when he's a preteen.

I like the manhwa except for one thing... I cannot stand how she talks. Like... Why. Why are you speaking full sentences as a baby it's beyond just annoying for some reason. Am I the only one who feels this way? It just annoys me beyond no end. Especially since people don't question it more than they did. I'd be fucking freaked ngl if a one year old started talking in full coherently formed sentences. The suspension of disbelief just ain't working cheif

Wait people are starting to question it more but still why is everyone just so pleased by it immediately? It's freaky... A baby speaking to you in a coherently formed sentence using manners and proper etiquette... HELL TO THE NO. Why aren't they claiming she's some sort of demon witch? Wait is magic common in the world? Either way if it isn't they should be fucking spraying her down with holy water and doing exorcisms cause hell no

Am I the only one who feels like the "main" story ended way too abruptly? I'm perfectly fine with the relationship status and stuff going on but the actual plot points like being an empty vessel, coming from another world, looking like a vampire, and all this other stuff. I feel like there was so many loose ends and the only thing that was wrapped up was their relationship.

So I'm only about 15 chapters in and I've already seen certain endgame spoilers and I'm ANGERED because Allendis IS best boi hands down. Already one of my absolute favorite manhwa love interests. So many are similar, the tyrant that somehow has the heart of gold, the one who indulges in debauchery but turns faithful, the childhood friend who is sweet and yearning, blah blah blah... But Allendis

SPOILER that I read
Did she really just... ? End up with Oppa? W H Y he's like how much older than her? And they grew up together? That's fucking nasty as hell I can't believe that. Just... How. Low-key some sweet home Alabama shit right there. Disappointing. Kinda wanna drop it because of that. It's just nasty

Am I the only one who feels that this is better than Tower of God? Don't come for me anyone, I like both. They're both similar in the sense that they have a huge plotline and large-scale world settings with extensive lore. They also have the common device of the characters getting stronger in each arc just to face a stronger enemy. But I feel like this is far better executed for several reasons. Note, I've only gotten up to Season 2 #153 so I am nowhere close to being caught up, so this is just based on what I've read so far.
First off, the cast isn't as extensive as Tower of God's (tho both are), and the characters are a lot more easy to keep up with due to that fact. After putting Tower of God down for a bit after going several arcs in, when I returned it was hard to keep up due to the sheer amount of varying characters. The shadow realms here also are more easy to follow than the different floors in Tower of God, where the rules and setting does get very confusing at points. The villains so far in ToG also aren't as compelling as those here. Plus Rachel is just plain annoying. The Outers here are more fleshed out and realistic imo. The group we have seen, the Revolutionaries, started from a rebellion going against the unjust nature of the class divide in the Hebrion Empire and are rising up again after being quelled a decade earlier. After stewing in anger for ages they've turned into a group hell-bent on destroying the pecking order even at the costs of the destruction of a city, even more of the demon wasn't killed.
I also think that the protagonists power balance is better here than in ToG. From what we've seen so far, Baam's only true shortcoming so far is his trust in Rachel and his desires to follow her. Not much has held him back physically, whereas here Desir is limited in his mama and also becomes disabled after using dragon tongue and losing sight in one of his eyes. Plus I like Desir over Baam personality wise. Though, ToG has some characters that are far more personable like Rak and Khun. Though it also has characters that are waaaaayyyyyyy more annoying, though it's basically due to the fact that there's an insane amount of characters so there's bound to be ones that are more annoying. Though, some of the more core characters like Androssi and Rachel are far more annoying than Romantica (who was also very annoying in the beginning but she's better now).
So maybe I'm biased cause my boyfriend is named Michael and the fact that I love the free spirited type of guys but I'm assuming she ends up with the prince, right? They always end up with the prince
Oh yea always THE crown prince
Okay but the crown prince is still really likeable like. He's just awkward and stoic lol. Sure he killed her in her past life but WHAT exactly did she do to warrant to be killed? We don't know yet. At least not at chapter 85 where I'm at. Either way he's better than a lot of other crown princes