Holy shit i knew it. Ugh I'm already triggered. If she says even a word insinuating that despite it all khalid just loved her so much, he's so twisted byt his love is pure or some BULLSHIT like that. I swear to fucking god-
I'm angrily waiting for the next chapter.
I am literally BAWLING. What the fuck man. Fuck. I want to love someone like carcel does. I want to be loved like that too. FUCKING HELL. This chapter broke me in these depressing times.
whoever is translating this rn, quit it please. We can wait until a proper translator picks it up and uploads it. The chapters rn are something even I could make/get just by running it through papago once. So please just quit.
THE ARTSTYLE!!!!!!!! Fuck, it makes me want to pick up my pens and paintbrushes again
Yo this is SO fucking cute. No notes except, what the fuck is up with ML's hair bro T_T that black band in the middle of blonde hair which isn't even blended well? My eyes are bleeding.
dude this manga is so homophobic. Idk if it's due to more of ignorance or if they actually think this is normal and how it should be..
MC and all the fujoshis, the way they speak about the couples is just literal textbook fetishization. The way MC is enjoys watching other people's relationships just because they're gay, they literally want these relationships to be for their viewing pleasure, LITERALLY FETISHIZING GAY RELATIONSHIPS. It's one thing to really enjoy reading them but to bring that and project it onto real life people? What the fuck is wrong with these disgusting pieces of shit bruh. Also the way they've never once said the word gay but rather refer to it as BL speaks VOLUMES bruh.
I was actually okay with hina as the endgame because it has been foreshadowed pretty well and she was a nice, respecful and cute girl. But then she had to say that homophobic shit to kaede about how he should stay away cuz he's a boy. Like. Sigh.
Also the way these characters are SO focused on the seme and uke part of it, like ew. BE NORMAL. FOR FUCKS SAKE. Again, this alone speaks volumes about what kindamanga this is.
fujoshis like these are not the lgbt allies they think they are. If a real queer person met a person like the MC, they'd find that shit creepy as fuck. Not in a 'uwu, I do creepy things i'm so quirky' way, but rather in a you make me actually sick kinda way. Sigh. I hate it here.
there are more chapters T_T please someone pick this up.
THIS WAS AAMAZING!! The tenderness and the realism omg!! I could totally imagine something like this happening IRL. Also this is one of the few manga that actually supports the lgbt community and treats it with realism and respect. Most manga/hwa don't even aknowledge bisexuality or even just the phase of being confused about your own sexuality despite the plot revolving around a gay couple. Just loved EVERYTHING about this, can't even start with the art, I knew it was going to be good as soon as I saw the first few panels. Manga with this artstyle or similar to it never fail to hit.
I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF MC CHOOSES TO SPARE KHALID, I WILL MURDER HER. If her comrades are ready to kill him, she should just let them. That mf does not deserve mercy.
Oof. I mean, I don't think this webtoon will go too much in depth into it but all they have ahead of them is bad times. The real threat is gone so humans will now replace that threat and become the digusting dipshits they are once again.
The outer species will get immense racism that will span for countless generations for sure especially if they somehow manage to reproduce with humans. The dungeons will be mined until it ceases to exist. Who knows dungeon material might even become fossil fuel for them and they might use them in a way that causes a climate crisis but never stop because they're greedy asf.
All while, having Son Mo Ah as the person to point that everything bad is happening because of them since they own the earth. They will do all sorts of disgusting shit and when they're blamed, they'll deflect, deflect, run misinformation campaigns and then everything somehow ends up falling on Mo Ah.
And the people won't like her too because who likes a person that literally owns the entire world no matter how good her intentions are. Because all of us, in theory have democracy as the ultimate ideal (even though in practice it's turning more and more into fascism) so the earth having an owner definitely wouldn't sit right with anyone.
Sigh. It feels like shit. The world is shit. Wish it was fairytale land so that the people will actually recognize how hard a person has worked for their own well being.
Also the way that I'd be completely on the doyeon train if I wasn't already attached to yiyoung though. I mean cmon, he's been by his side for almost what? 2 decades? 15 years? YEARNING one sidedly? Pathetically Pining? That's way more angsty and thus, better than two people who hooked up for whatever reason one night and ending up as people working in the same office and then falling in love. Doyeon deserves the payoff fr.
but yiyoung has all my heart and he's the most amazing sweetheart so he will get everything he's ever wanted. No harm shall ever befall him. But I also really would like it if our pathetic piner over here gets his own happily ever after. I'd read THE SHIT out of it.
PUH LEASE tell me doyeon is gonna get his own man (or woman) by the end of this story. It needs a whole ass storyline too, he's peak 2nd couple MC material.
Jisu is a good guy. Like a really good guy. Arguably better than even cheol. But too bad mans just here to delay mi ae and cheol getting together. She doesn't even remember him like that's embrassing. A middle schooler forgetting elementary school memories?? When it was like at most 4-5 years ago for her? That's Devastating, she literally didn't care enough. Especially when cheol is like so embedded in her memories.
I'd be nice if he gets his own partner later in the story and doesn't just stand there being all 'if she's happy that's all that matters'. Justice for jisu.
Bruh. It's been a long time but like the orange dude is still insufferable. So fucking annoying. Sure his intentions are good, whatever. But would he say the same to a brother or a friend if they were a struggling artist? Like bitch. Stop seeing her as a 'woman' for a MOMENT. She's just a person. Goddamit.
AAAH! This is the first harem I actually liked. ALL the options are amazing!! All of them are good people trying their best. Even the two timer guy is fine imo, he gives off that rat boyfriend aesthetic and his earrings are just ~~♡.
Me personally, even though the chemistry compared to the others is lacking, vote for riri. Cmon why would you go for humans when you have an interdimentional being who can do magic.