yo cmon what the hell? The chemistry really is not chemistrying. The confession scene after literal YEARS of angst and pining they've done is just her walking into the room and saying it casually? Like, even if that's the lowkey kind of vibe they want to go for, there's a way to make it look interesting. But here, it felt like it happened so monotonically, there's no highs and lows, no anticipation, so bland. This is supposed to be the grand payoff, why is it so lame??
The author is NOT cooking with this one ooof.

Not every story has to be tender yes, but there's definitely some level of skill that needs to be there in the storytelling part. Some objective component that makes even the most bland scene appealing for the reader. That's the thing that's lacking here. The scene isn't that bad, it's the way they're showing the scene that's piss poor.
Sorry, not attacking you here, I agree with you. I'm just adding to my original point.

I never found chemistry between them, but that is my perception. I do not find the characters and their personalities a match for each other. In fact, more like brother-sister in arms than anything.
I do not feel attacked ma dear, in fact I agree with you. This last "I'll marry him" looks like a convenient transaction because they do not hate each other, but there is no proper love either.
Do not bother, I love to find different opinions, sometimes people have good points over here (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

I bawled my fucking eyes out. It just hits me SO hard when people find 'their' person or people in whatever form. The way they talked about each of them finding a safe space pr a 'home' for themselves, fuck, I want to cry again. I'm don't know if I'm ace but I've always related SO MUCH to the feelings of never fitting in with what society thinks romance or 'settling down' is for a woman. I relate so hard to yuriko and how she strongly feels that yearning. I feel like, love, even if you don't get the chance to experience it for yourself, is such a miracle and gift that it's SO beautiful even just for someone looking at it from outside or consuming it through media.
The words of momo-kun is definitely what I relate to and agree with the most. That romance isn't the end all be all and there's SO many more ways to live life and still be contented and fulfilled. That the world needs more of it. That pure, healthy romantic love is such a rare thing and a miracle that it really shouldn't be pushed as the default way to live. Makes it that much more disheartening for people who don't find it. People need people that love them to be around and need community, but that doesn't mean finding that perfect romantic partner and having kids with them, love and community can come in SO many different forms and it sucks that the idea of 'how things should be' has hindered so many people from choosing their own form of happiness.
The thing they said at the end about group living becoming an option even for older people, god, I love that and agree with it SO much. Queerplatonic relationships and friendships really just fucking warm my heart and are wayyyyy too underappreciated. It would probably serve humanity much better if deep friendships and platonic love was priotitised and the place romantic love has in society gets switched with this.

This is exactly why I love this subgenre of comedy manhwa which actually have depth and a great plot. The story and the characters are all so complex, real and lovable but because the manhwa is comedic in tone, shit gets subverted at the last minute in the craziest way and it just makes you cackle right after you're at the edge of your seat or have tears spilling from your eyes. PEAK.

I second 'no home' too!! and to a lesser extent 'crown princess scandal'. It isn't as complex but the gags are very funny. I'm sure there was a couple more I enjoyed but I can't think of them off the top of my head. I'd like to hear more recs too! Hope someone comes by and showers us with a ton of recs lol.

Man... Manhwa really is scary. At the end of this chapter, my immediate thoughts were like 'man why're they making it such a huge deal, he just used him as inspo for a BL novel of all things, they could totally talk it out, this is so silly'.
But the thing is, if I found out my partner psychoanalysed me like a creep and that was the only reason they started dating me and approached me, esp in a time when I was guarded and didn't believe much in love?? I'd think they need therapy and get the FUCK outta there for sure. Like imagine your partner having written fanfiction about you before they even met you, writing with all sorts of assumptions when they did NOT know you and what you're actually like. I'd be so offended like, who the fuck did they think they were to pull this shit??
Lying and then saying if I never told you, you'd never have found out and that being honest would only have brought problems is soo icky. Imagine a real life person saying that unironically to your face, you'd 100% want to punch them.
So yeah, manhwa is real good at painting over our rationale with pretty pictures huh. I'm having a bit of a personal enlightenment over this.

veramood is seriously pissing me off. Sigrid should talk to people more, life life more, get new experiences, if this mf is not supporting all that and getting jealous over public, purely platonic surface level interactions then I'm sorry but he's not at all a catch anymore.
Dancing in that time period was like small talk, it was not romantic at all, doing shit like this rude af and plain weird. Bitch getting bothered by all the flirting is fine or whatever, but SMALL TALK??? Go fuck yourself veramood. Your girl is a person with her own life not *literally* your own girl.
fuck the sex, what the hell is up with the LIGHTING?? It's so gorgeous holy shit. They're literally in a random ass dorm room but they look so ethereal!!!