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Mika created a topic of Never Understand

Pls wtver you do. Things get worse from there. Idk what the fuck the author was thring to do. Adding in his background story was good. But making it the whole reason for his actions really make this a lot worse. He atarts off as a red flag, then green. Then turns red again.
Wtf was that part and why did it get so easily washed over? Did we see the same thing or did thay chapter not happrn over at all. LIKE WTF WAS THE POINT OF ADDING THAT. TO SHOW HOW INCOMPETENT THE ML IS? TO SHOW THAT HE DOESNT EVEN TRUST THE MC, TO THE POINT HE WOULD CHEAT ON HIM WITH ANOTHER?? EVEN THGOUH HE HIMSELF SAID HED STAY WITH YOU FORERVE? Wtf.
And then dunno. Omfg man did i like him in the beginning then he got worse in the enx. Like dude i know yall grew up like siblings but dudeā€¦ wtf. You really blame them 2? Two innocent people? Who arent even the ones to blame? Theyre the victims, and dunno and the ml acting like theyre the prepretators for his harm. Tf. Tf is going on.
Literally dont rrad this story at all whatever the cost after they start going to each others houses and loving each other. THE FACT THAT HE COILDNT EVEN SAY TO THEM THAT JAERIM IS HIS BF. FOES THAT MAKE ANY FREAKING SENSE dude confessed first and didd everyhting wrong.
Why tf did we need thr archors and that other fucckers story. Aint no fucking way their story ended like that. So you hust tell me that the blonide never knows that the archer was the dude? Like. Is the moral of the story
Ugly= bad. Like yeah duh pretty privillege. But are u really telling me his action is justified becuz the archer liked his looks? LIKE. DUHH PEOPLE CAN HE ATTRACTED TO OTHER PEOPLES LOOKS?? THATS NATURAL?? Yknow whats not natural? Callingpeople weirdos after they confess to them. Wtf