Hey everyone, humm, I just read a chapter of comic, and knock me down, kind ruined my mood to read others of my list (witch is crap long), how do you cope with that? I mean, I feel lonely and don't have a lot of people to talk, and mangas/comics took my mind away, but today I'm shard...

read fluff

sorry- this comment is longer than I thought it would be :(
The same thing happened for me with anime, at first, i wanted to watch as many as I could, but somewhere along the line, it felt like more of a must complete task rather than a hobby. I took a step back, even though there were tons of anime I wanted to watch, I didn't and that's okay, sometimes everyone needs variety and a little break. After taking a break from anime, I returned to binge watching and am enjoying the experience much more rather than if I had continued to force myself to watch :)
So, if you need to stall reading comics, thats okay, it can be tiring to not have a variety of hobbies when it is leisure time. If you are lonely, I reccommend Amino or Discord, or just push yourself to chat/facetime with some real life friends. I also reccommend looking away from the screen, maybe read a book or do some arts and crafts (drawing, painting, oragami, writing, etc.) If it is possible, you should also go outside (with a mask of course!!!) but that depends where you live :( Fortunately, I live in a place where its allowed to go outside, still with precautions but all the same.
And if you are determined to read comics, then maybe try a new genre!! make sure its easy to read : spaced out, fully coloured, interesting storyline, beautiful art, etc.
im sorry but im going to go ahead and do some self promoting here, forgivee mee ~ my list is perfect for what I'm describing >.<
♫ ~ ♪ ~ ✧ Try my list ✧ ~ ♪ ~ ♫
⬶ U N D E R R A T E D //&// U N I Q U E ⤅
You should expect:
➳ Any genre
➳ Underrated
➳ Unique
➳ Some of my favourites
Follow and recommend for more ~ ヾ(☆▽☆)
If you liked ~ it would mean a lot!!!
♫ ~ ♪ ~ ♫ ~ ♪~ ♫ ~ ♪~ ♫ ~ ♪ ~ ♫
I particulary reccommend:
~ http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/i_will_die_soon/
~ http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/this_witch_of_mine/?6ukJ
~ http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tokyo_revengers/?Qoe1
~ http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_cradle_of_the_sea/

Could someone give me BL, where one of the two or both, is/are mature or older. than the partner?

Here is my lust und tag Age Gap:
(Seme like ukes, Seke &younger seme)
So I'm not going to say the name, because people are enjoying, but to me became a toxic thing, that is making me sick, any way, I'm here asking for sugestions of cute, can be spice, but cute, Yaoi, I like older X youger!
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/xxx_allergy/ (Has sequel. I know shouhei is younger than mito, but I don’t know how much. After you read this read secret and then there spy game)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kamisama_no_uroko/ (A god is old right?)
Some of my other favorites
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/bbanana_scandal/ (first season is super cute, second season is going to be rough. Also, age gap)
I love you, thank you!!!
You should read the whole series, it's cute http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/ookami_kun_wa_kowakunai/
^there's 4 plus the spin off which is the hyena
Also the one that you're reading, is it Kiss Me Liar or Painter Of The Night or A Painter Behind The Curtain?
Feel free to check out my lists! I like angsty stuff (like Love or Hate) but I don’t like a lot of the *really* popular webtoons cause of their toxicity. (Yours to claim, painter of the night, bj Alex, love is an illusion). I think there is a line between realistic angst and just abuse.
There is a line, and when is crossed, the story became spoiled (to me at least), I mean, I usually like cute, shy guys, old guys who don't believe in love anymore (maybe because I identify with them?! Not because I'm old, but I don't believe in love...), this kind are a little rare, and then I see a story that's "popular" and attractive and all that nine yards, of course I will read it, but then just make crawl back to my safe type... Thanks for the lists though :D
What about these? They aren’t like...shy guys. But their older. Shinobeba Koi is the sequel or spin off of Niramemba Koi.
Thank you, I really like it ヾ(☆▽☆)