He doesn't need to be killed, he needs to go to therapy. May I remind you that Lee Won's dad tried several times to kill Caesar when he was only a child that did absolutely nothing but exist in the wrong family?
He literally does all of this cause he's got trauma...
He doesn't need to be killed, he needs to go to therapy. May I remind you that Lee Won's dad tried several times to kill Caesar when he was only a child that did absolutely nothing but exist in the wrong family... angel
He needs more than therapy. Lee wons dad and him need to be locked up I can keep Lee won
This makes me feel very dumb but how do you follow people on here. I know you can follow them through the comments but I’m trying to find a friends and I have no idea on how to do that.
Tap to their fp or name then scroll down and down..... Then you'll see their pf with their name and country... And there is follow and send mail is written... Tap follow to follow them and tap to send email to send them your personal message that u want to tell them...
They are my Roman Empire