why do ya'll hate Fumi? She's super real with her feelings and honest towards others. And she worked super hard to become how she is today??? Don't we all wanna be like that??? Have that confidence?? AND Im glad she told Akria off because otherwise she would've never understood any of Makoto's feelings. Fumi is a necessary part of the plot!!!

boy oh boy this took one heck of a turn. I SWEAR IF HE doesn't enter that contest though. Do u think Siwon will take the hit instead?! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

I'm kinda hoping for that actually, I mean he kinda deserves it, but I don't want him to die, only that he gets his shit together and actually admit he likes Kang Jinha and say it to his face, if a knife will make him say it, I say bring the knife. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
because u like someone whose name starts with a to and ends with a da