iipockyii July 1, 2024 5:32 am

People needa treat this site similarly to ao3. Tags, lists and comments exist for a reason. They let you know what type of content is in these comics. I’m not saying people can’t criticize works, I just find it strange to act surprised bc the things presented in these comics are CLEARLY STATED. Half of the time I’ll see comments from disgruntled users who are shocked that the trigger and content warnings actually held weight, like no shit. Why would you read something you don’t like after reading the synopsis, comments and tags??? I get it, there’s a difference between saying your thoughts after giving something a try, but for the love of god, DONT READ WHAT YOU DONT LIKE. Shit you not, every single day it’ll be a comment like “omg I can’t believe the main characters slept with so and so” and then the title of the fucking manga is “sleeping and romancing so and so”. Like please y’all, these tags exist for a reason, use em.

iipockyii March 30, 2024 6:58 am

Why is it with every femdom story i see on this app the female lead is massive cunt who abuses the ML?? Does anybody know any femdom stories where the FL is doting, and actually nice towards the male lead?

iipockyii February 28, 2024 6:38 pm

I’m over the BLs that have main characters in college or highschool. Please give me older men yaoi, I’m talking like at a minimum 35 years of age, preferably both partners should be older, but I don’t mind legal age gaps ( so like someone who’s 25 with someone who’s 40)

iipockyii February 19, 2024 9:42 pm

All these evil semes are getting away with no Consequences, please I need a revenge BL where the mc seeks revenge on an ex lover, please and thank u

iipockyii February 16, 2024 9:31 pm

this is so specific but does anyone have a BL where the mc has a really good sense of style, fashion, or is like a fashionista??

iipockyii February 15, 2024 12:27 pm

Authors need to stop being cowardly and start giving us switch couples, srsly there’s so much lost potential

    mitski February 15, 2024 1:16 pm

    LOUDER! I'm tired of it, they always do the feminine=bottom

iipockyii February 15, 2024 4:50 am

Controversial take but BL manwhas peaked in 2016-2020 everything after that feels like hot garage

    mari February 15, 2024 5:20 am

    Bro misses BJ Alex

    iipockyii February 15, 2024 5:22 am
    Bro misses BJ Alex mari

    No I actually really hated that manwha, I mean ones like “never understand” and “hate mate”

    mari February 15, 2024 5:22 am

    Hot take but BL peaked in 2010

    helvetica February 15, 2024 5:37 am

    Not a hot take though: art getting better by the day

    And since I’m a simp who loves hot anime men and anime women, I’ll take it lol

    Min February 15, 2024 6:04 am

    there isn't a certain era where BL was objectively better than other eras, it's just your nostalgia talking. i remember finding rape/abuse in just as many stories back then as i do now. it's just the younger readers grew up, can recognise when a story has shittily presented rape/abuse now and don't try to justify it lol. this is like boomercore to have nostalgia affect how you remember the same things.

    mari February 15, 2024 6:33 am
    there isn't a certain era where BL was objectively better than other eras, it's just your nostalgia talking. i remember finding rape/abuse in just as many stories back then as i do now. it's just the younger re... Min

    Why are u assuming their definition of hot garbage is just having rape/abuse lol? Like maybe they just dislike the current popular tropes or whatever

    Min February 15, 2024 6:59 am
    Why are u assuming their definition of hot garbage is just having rape/abuse lol? Like maybe they just dislike the current popular tropes or whatever mari

    i was using the rape/abuse as an example, my point still stands - your judgement of "good bl" is deeply ingrained with nostalgia. every year it's the same shit being rehashed, there is no "peak".

    hey girlie hold still February 15, 2024 7:16 am

    i miss bongchon bride and painter of the night

    hey girlie hold still February 15, 2024 7:16 am

    *painter behind the curtains. not painter of the night.

    Kitty February 15, 2024 7:28 am

    I wouldn't say everything is garbage but sure stories are so repetitive. As I say, same story but in different setting. I think bl manhwa's authors take inspiration from BJ Alex and Killing Stalking and keep making same stories but with different twist. Lol. But I will again say, there are really good bl manhwa also being produced right now.

    iipockyii February 15, 2024 11:12 am
    there isn't a certain era where BL was objectively better than other eras, it's just your nostalgia talking. i remember finding rape/abuse in just as many stories back then as i do now. it's just the younger re... Min

    As the other commenter pointed out abuse and rape are issues that plague the romance genre, so I’m not just talking about that, I mean from an objective writing standpoint they were better. I’ve since re-read the manwha from the time and not only do I have a better appreciation for it but I can compare it to what’s being pushed out today. I think a lot of manwha these days are made by artist who can draw, but don’t know how to write. And even at that these authors can’t write either, they can conjure up a decent plot but don’t know where to go after that.

    I don’t consider KS to be a BL manwha but I’ll use it as an example, ever since it got popular so many manwha authors tried to recreate it without actually understanding it, many read it for shock value but when u detach the “BL” label from it u can see that it wasn’t that poorly written. Many people look over its writing bc of the smut that’s crammed into, but regardless KS had all these others people thinking “I can do that too” and they failed!!! Bc they didn’t know how to actually write, and now u end up with like 7 diff shitty clones of the OG

    I could explain my point further but I don’t wanna bore u or anyone else who’s reading this comment

    Kitty February 15, 2024 1:20 pm
    As the other commenter pointed out abuse and rape are issues that plague the romance genre, so I’m not just talking about that, I mean from an objective writing standpoint they were better. I’ve since re-re... iipockyii

    So can you give me your current favorite bl manhwas that is ongoing......
    My current favorites are:-
    ♡Hate mate S2
    ♡Our sunny days
    ♡Guiding hazard
    ♡Nerd project

    NotAPrinter February 15, 2024 3:16 pm

    I think it’s just that in that era you can look back on it retrospectively because those stories have gotten time to simmer while forgetting about the messes of popular stories that happened, I felt the exact same way.

    But honestly progressively speaking, I like how newer BLs are working towards removing weird homophobic troupes and going against them and actually speaking about other issues such as what happens after dating.

    helvetica February 15, 2024 4:29 pm
    I think it’s just that in that era you can look back on it retrospectively because those stories have gotten time to simmer while forgetting about the messes of popular stories that happened, I felt the exact... NotAPrinter

    Not to mention, the ones they’re remembering are the good ones they liked, but there were def a bunch that they wouldn’t like since there is so much bl series that come out every year. Later on, they’ll probably remember the good series that populated this year and forget about all the miscellaneous mid ones(since if they’re not that good, most people don’t remember it)

    Remembering the stuff that was coming out back then, I remember I was going through the same thing in going through now, for every bl I find and love, there’s like 3 more that I either dislike or just find “okay”

    We also can’t fail to mention the fact that more stories come out every year due to the popularity of the genre and medium, so you get even a bigger pool of stories you’ll have to read through. It’s not a problem of quality in my opinion, but rather quantity. There are definitely real gems in the newer stuff and they honestly beat out the favorites I had a few years ago(better story and art). Its just that we feel there’s a lot of shit stuff because they’re still fresh in our mind.

    mari February 15, 2024 7:32 pm
    Not to mention, the ones they’re remembering are the good ones they liked, but there were def a bunch that they wouldn’t like since there is so much bl series that come out every year. Later on, they’ll p... helvetica

    Cant yall just let someone have an opinion lmao

    Min February 15, 2024 7:41 pm
    Cant yall just let someone have an opinion lmao mari

    we're just talking, not sure what the issue is for you

    helvetica February 15, 2024 10:15 pm
    Cant yall just let someone have an opinion lmao mari

    We’re just trying to talk about and find a reason for why some people have opinions like this. You can see still hold that opinion and we just want to discuss an interesting concept related to it.

    mari February 15, 2024 10:19 pm
    We’re just trying to talk about and find a reason for why some people have opinions like this. You can see still hold that opinion and we just want to discuss an interesting concept related to it. helvetica

    Bruh no? I disagree w/ op but i’m not gonna say “no actually ur objectively wrong because ur clouded by nostalgia blah blah”

    iipockyii February 15, 2024 11:05 pm
    So can you give me your current favorite bl manhwas that is ongoing......My current favorites are:-♡Hate mate S2♡Our sunny days♡Guiding hazard ♡Nerd project ♡Payback Kitty

    Hwayoungs misery
    Pons revenge
    Shut line
    The pizza delivery man
    Our sunny days

    Some others I can’t exactly think of off the top of my head. I think what I’m trying to say it was easier to find manwha that suit my preferences, I think theres a lot “trendy” manwha that are made with the intention of bandwagon if a certain trope. That’s the best way I can explain it, some manwha today feel like “trope soup” all trends and tropes without substance

    iipockyii February 15, 2024 11:08 pm

    This post was not made with the intention to discount current authors who are putting out great work, just my two sense on the current climate of BL. It’s similar to what’s going on with anime and Isekai, imo I’m just seeing alot of mid content that’s being pushed out bc the BL formula is bound to succeed.

    helvetica February 16, 2024 1:06 am
    Bruh no? I disagree w/ op but i’m not gonna say “no actually ur objectively wrong because ur clouded by nostalgia blah blah” mari

    Lol and we never said that?? It’s just a theory of why someone could think that? I was just pointing out an interesting pattern with each generation of stories

    Min February 16, 2024 7:16 am
    Bruh no? I disagree w/ op but i’m not gonna say “no actually ur objectively wrong because ur clouded by nostalgia blah blah” mari

    dude, you're the only one who's getting pressed about something that was not even directed at you specifically. either say something useful or fuck off if you don't like to see *conversation* happening in a *comment* section.
    " I disagree w/ op but i’m not gonna say “no actually ur objectively wrong because ur clouded by nostalgia blah blah”" okay good for you? why are you here then? who invited you? just because you're not gonna say something other people aren't allowed to say it either?

    NotAPrinter February 16, 2024 1:48 pm
    Cant yall just let someone have an opinion lmao mari


    we’re having a discussion of why exactly OP feels that way and our own personal anecdotes on top of it (such as mine agreeing but the fact that it’s mostly got to do with my nostalgia.) if anything the one’s discussing it don’t care whether they agree or disagree. I half-agree with OP while the others probably disagree

    i don’t see exactly why you’re pissed lol, post a opinion and people can discuss it or post their own, duh

    NotAPrinter February 16, 2024 1:50 pm
    This post was not made with the intention to discount current authors who are putting out great work, just my two sense on the current climate of BL. It’s similar to what’s going on with anime and Isekai, i... iipockyii

    valid, there’s so much trash in the sea but it doesn’t mean there isn’t good ones! it really does seem like they do a + b = money and sell it out and it becomes copy and paste rather than anything meaningful. i mean c’mon, have we seen literally zero poly BLs but multiple niche plots like hi?

    mari February 16, 2024 5:20 pm
    dude, you're the only one who's getting pressed about something that was not even directed at you specifically. either say something useful or fuck off if you don't like to see *conversation* happening in a *co... Min

    U didn’t get my point, keep sperging tho ^^

    Min February 16, 2024 7:10 pm
    U didn’t get my point, keep sperging tho ^^ mari

    there wasn't a point to get, and you are the only one getting offended on OP's behalf and trying to whiteknight for them. grown a brain perhaps?

iipockyii February 12, 2024 3:10 am

Why is it so hard to find a BL where the male lead is a nice guy, please bring back sweetheart semes (/TДT)/ I’ve had enough of the evil male lead, it’s tired, played out, and overall just an awful reading experience

iipockyii February 8, 2024 2:15 am

I’m in need of a manwha that will have giggling and kicking my feet, something similar to My daytime star in terms of male lead, he needs to be fine and also a green flag

iipockyii February 4, 2024 11:50 pm

Idk how to explain it but Jinx honestly feels like a poor imitation of BJ Alex which is crazy to say since they were written by the same person. Like even the designs are so similar for the leads. Jaekyung is such a frustrating character and I feel like Mingwha tried to capture the same success without realizing what made BJ Alex so popular in the first place. Like yes many people were there for the smut, and Jiwon was an asshole but at the same time I feel like Jiwon was less awful than Jaekyung. Not to mention the side couple was ICONIC. Tbh Mingwha doesn’t know how to write because she gave us a repackage of the same story just with more annoying characters. Has anyone else noticed this? Like I’m not going crazy am I?

    K-popLovers February 5, 2024 12:37 am

    i feel the same

    idkwidh05 February 5, 2024 12:38 am

    nah girl you’re onto something. they’re pissing me of so bad i’m literally this

    Mia February 5, 2024 12:46 am

    The author is so unoriginal and unable to come up with anything other than a basic story. Ngl I've read better stories on wattpad in 2015 from a Dan x Phil fan account.

    Angeldust February 5, 2024 1:22 am

    Tbh I feel like jinx feels more of an exaggeration than imitation....they made the male lead 10x worse and the bottom someone with no backbone...at least DJ actually stood up for himself

    iipockyii February 5, 2024 1:25 am
    The author is so unoriginal and unable to come up with anything other than a basic story. Ngl I've read better stories on wattpad in 2015 from a Dan x Phil fan account. Mia

    seriously, she couldn't even bother changing the hair color for the leads.

    andimafreak February 5, 2024 3:43 am

    So true, nowadays author think that a red flag or top who goes around being toxic and r4pe bottom is cool, the another reason why jinx is getting more recognized is cause of good artstyle. Now in latest ch how he treated dan was awful, I'm 100% sure soon enough she's gonna drop a chapter of jaekhyung childhood and how he was traumatized and forced into boxing or blah blah, and dan being a sympathetic person will forgive him and then they'll understand each other and start dating. Typical classic bl manhwa, there's literally noting in jinx which makes it better like bj alex, the main reason why bj alex gotta be bdsm and chanwoo and md's relationship. Whereas there's literally nothing and I mean NOTHING good in jinx beside the improved art work

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