I have a feeling this will end up being a “right person, wrong time” sort of situation. Sometimes people need to grow away from each other to achieve the best version of themselves. That being said I’m disappointed that Taewhan never got an arc of healing. The author forgot about him after a while, it just makes me upset to see because we never got a chance to address all the challenges he was facing.

This is wonderful, I’ve been shouting this since the start of this manwha and I’m glad it’s finally happening. That being said, did the author forget about Taewhan? I feel like he hasn’t gotten his time to shine yet or even be properly developed. As terrible as Minho is, he was fully fleshed out as a character. I need that for Tae. Bc last time there was any focus on him his life was lowk falling apart

Della is the perfect toxic male lead, who actually manages to have chemistry with the MC. I feel like other authors should take notes from his character because it never felt like a caricature of the trope but at the same time he still manages to be a red flag. I feel like this is the appeal of red flag male leads, they’re dangerously hot but too often authors write them and they’re 1.) unbelievable 2.) just so evil to the point of no return and 3.) there’s just no chemistry. I really like how in this instance Della falls first, we don’t see a whiney MC beg for his attention/affection. All in all I love Della’s character and this the first time I ever saw the appeal with a red flag male lead.