19 photo
02 04,2015 created

This album's theme is men's world in mangas and comics (and maybe beyond?)
25 photo
22 05,2015 created

1 photo
24 05,2015 created

49 photo
22 04,2015 created

8 photo
20 04,2015 created

14 photo
11 04,2015 created

5 photo
04 04,2015 created

5 photo
04 04,2015 created

2 photo
03 04,2015 created

33 photo
02 04,2015 created

2 photo
02 04,2015 created

A word about this album/ I have always been fascinated by charismatic women and how they express their charm and charisma. Of course, the message here isn't equating women with their looks because every human being has his/her own value regardless of the way he/she looks. Nevertheless, I still have a keen interest in such women in terms of understanding their submerging charm and trying to convey it through proper means.
12 photo
30 03,2015 created