It is a shoujo (or a josei) about a romance between two step-siblings. I remember how the cover looked like and the major lines of the description. It had a red cover with a boy having an Afro hairstyle drawn in white. The plot-line goes as follows: the guy is over-protective of his step-sister, and wouldn't let other guys approach her (people thought that he had a sister-complex). He is a college guy whereas she is still in high school. We discover later that he is in love with her but wouldn't admit it because in his eyes, she is the only family he got. He gradually fell in love with her, then was forced to move out of his family's place in order to assume the responsibility of what will happen later: i.e. breaking up with his girlfriend and announcing to his parents that he is in love with his step-sister. I know that the story seems cheesy but it isn't. It is a good manga with a nice drawing style and I would love to read it again. I've tried everything I can think of to find it with no luck insofar. I would be really grateful if you could help me. Thank you.
Maybe this one? I think this have the same plot
Hello, there is someone who wanted earlier some recommendations related to mangas similar to Midnight Secretary.
You should check other work by the same mangaka such as this one:
There were several mangas which I've read after Midnight Secretary and one manga lead to the other so I found this one. It is not similar to Midnight Secretary but it brought the same atmosphere of Kindan No Koi De Ikou
I think you wanna read the following one as the main character is a seductive mysterious vampire but the end might be tragic and also any other work by the same author:
k no worries ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. I hope that you'll find what you are looking for though I read plenty of josei myself, so many that I can't tell the exact number but I don't remember reading something which reproduces the same atmosphere as Midnight Secretary. There might be Hapi Mari but I am sure you have read that one already.
The drawings and the story are confusing. This is the second time in my life I read something, and am unable to understand its meaning. I am not sure what happened. She was raped and fell pregnant; but then the baby was born dead?