That feels like some straight up flying under the radar serial killer thoughts when combined with his previous job and the cutting a dudes leg off with no outward reaction situation. Hope big bro keeps on top of the power balance.
I wish they would put a chapter placeholder like some other uploaders do. Also screw that pretty boi emperor! Nobody messes with our Priestess and crew and gets away with it!
Nice to finally get to read this whole thing after getting to meet Sakira and get the promo art of this signed years ago.
Kueng and squid friend both look happy to be chilling. Hope they don't eat it, but if they do then that is the natural progression I guess.
The sweet dumb babies accidentally hurt each other. One with denial of intimacy, and the other for possibly destroying the token he was given. Damn misunderstandings!
First sis beat a bitch down with knowledge, and then bro throws a rock glove to defend his injured buddy. Love this family.
Queen fully admitting that her daughter is just like her as a young woman, and since she knew she was a duplicitous ho kiddo must go on house arrest.
Nest management is some bullshit. If they truly believe all the feeders are beyond redemption and they truly want their people safe they should have humanly euthanized the dangerous feeders instead of keeping them locked up in the literal middle of their little paradise. The corruption goes so damn high in that place.
The Count of Monte Cristo strikes again!!! Yay! Enjoying this retelling. Hopefully it ends better for our MC and her daughter than it did for Edmund.
This has been such a dopamine mine. I laughed, I cried a little, I groaned at the antics. The faces are just absolute batshit madness and it's perfect!
Stop trying to get this man pregnant! What if he got morning sickness the whole time. He would be so sad to not be able to eat all the delicious things.
They bring Aunty back to the manor. She needs proper treatment and then she can give the history exposition.
I read it. All of it. Consent given while intoxicated is not true consent. Stalking, breaking and entering, and assaulting someone in their sleep is also criminal. I liked every part that did not have to do with the Tops psycho yandere behavior. Rings to hard in the gaslighting narcissist direction for me. The kiddos were adorable as was Hosic which were the characters that drew me to this.
Would I have read it again if I wasn't trapped inside due to an ice storm and unable to get my ADHD meds which caused me to hyperfixate on this story in particular? Probably not. I agree way to much with the best friend on how unhealthy things were. Even with the historical reincarnation aspect it still did not vibe for me.