At this point it’s like the author is doing this for shits and giggles. What is the plot even? It’s been downhill from when Ria started talking fluently but this is just terrible. You’re telling me that Caitel, the freaking blood emperor who got rid of his whole ass family by burning and selling them off couldn’t find this one runaway mfer for 18 years of Ria growing up?? Not even with the help of Mr Iron Chancellor and Black Knight??
Not to mention our actual protagonist is dumb as shit. She’s reincarnated and mentally an adult right?? Why is she so stupid then? For the sake of exposition?? That’s so unnecessary and sad, we as readers don’t need to be spoon fed info like that! Half the fun of a story is swapping theories and discussion about ambiguous stuff which you can’t do if you are given EVERYTHING. She also is basically useless, I mean what’s her point beyond white lotus who everyone loves and is healed by simply seeing once?
And what’s with this random romance?? There was no buildup beyond childhood friend and even that’s stretching it. These kids met what, once?? There’s no logical reason as to why they’re so gaga over Ria except plot and it’s not fun.
Tl:dr- this sucks and I’m leaving
Sorry for rambling but it’s just so sad for me to see all the potential this series has just gone with the wind. “I am a child of this house” has a slightly similar story to this and it’s proof that this could be great but NO.

I guess it’s not 100% her fault because she was written this way but come ON. What a dumb kid! The demon fellow is clearly a lying manipulative jerk and she still sticks up for him! And even went against the principles of her sect! Plus if she’s so righteous and all why did she still break her promise to her beloved master?? Looks like she’s one of those “conveniently righteous” FLs....all for misplaced kindness and all that bs as long as it suits her whims and fancies

There honestly is no need to be so terrible to that poor queen. It doesn’t seem like it was ever her choice to gain that title, but the king, who’s an idiot (?) treats her like trash anyway. And it looks like his boyfriend is being vindictive just because he can (incites the king to slowly take away all of the queen’s freedom). In fact he’s probably the father of the kid seeing as the child has blond hair! Plus if this story follows the original novel route queen dies an unfair death and gets no revenge?? Really hoping that doesn’t happen now too because I’ll probably have an anger-induced aneurysm otherwise
Guys is it not clear that Yohan cares about Euntae and Hayan dating because he’s unhealthily obsessed with her and what she does ?? He wants to control her and is angry about any part of her world that doesn’t revolve around him. It’s not love, it’s like the obsession a stalker has with an idol.