it seems nice! thanks for uploading ^^
also you get this question everytime but what is the manga in the warning pages?

oh god you’re gonna hate me; it’s called Ive Been in Love with You for a Decade, but it’s only available to purchase (fully translated) on English Renta! https://www.ebookrenta.com/renta/sc/frm/item/140201/
Haha I was actually thinking of uploading next after this work, if no one else takes up that mantle
When my first shrimp molted i was SO scared that it died.. i knew they molted but i couldn't see any of my shrimps around and i was just like "oh my god..... What if one of the corys ate it while it was still soft..." Also, it a shame we didn't see him plant his tank (=・ω・=) taking the plant out of their.. foam? Is so weird
wait i have a question about shrimps do they eat their molted skin? what do they do with it does it just chill in the tank until it's time to be cleaned?