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rain June 16, 2021 10:48 pm

When my first shrimp molted i was SO scared that it died.. i knew they molted but i couldn't see any of my shrimps around and i was just like "oh my god..... What if one of the corys ate it while it was still soft..." Also, it a shame we didn't see him plant his tank (=・ω・=) taking the plant out of their.. foam? Is so weird

    lilbitch99 June 17, 2021 5:43 am

    wait i have a question about shrimps do they eat their molted skin? what do they do with it does it just chill in the tank until it's time to be cleaned?

rain March 7, 2021 1:47 pm

Nooooo Joy ;;;;; I'm so sad.. thank you sm for uploading!!

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rain May 19, 2021 12:18 am

Hello! I got some pretty awful news and i wanna read something cute, so i need you guys to reccomand me your sweetest, mushiest mangas
Anything is good! Romance with any gender, platonic stuff ect
Thank you (=・ω・=)

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