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greensilverscarf October 31, 2024 12:27 pm

They did not just abandon puppers, they left him to die. Bought a couple of snacks, knowing it won't be enough, so they could tell their sorry selves that they left him alive, and therefore not guilty of his inevitable death. Cowards, murderers

greensilverscarf October 5, 2023 6:09 pm

I am reading the novel of this story (translation is ongoing, only up to 30 chapters, just search it on novel updates), and I must say, while I do love the manhwa, the novel offers much more of their thoughts & dynamics. MC is much, much cuter in ML's perspective and the interactions are hilarious. But it's nice to have a visual of the story! This healing type of stuff is exactly what I need

greensilverscarf's questions ( All 1 )

greensilverscarf April 20, 2021 9:15 am

It's always uke this seme that and then I had the misfortune to read a comment in the feeds, it was so long it became an essay & it kept repeating the usage of uke this seme that and then the story is SHOUNEN AI???

I never liked using the terms, and more even so when there are no explicit sex scenes in the first place. Are we assigning traits to bed dynamics now? That's not how it works???

    UselessShit April 20, 2021 9:23 am

    Totally agree, but in some cases there are shounen ai that has some scenes but they just don't show it. So ig you could use those terms if there are said scenes like that

    _em April 20, 2021 9:42 am

    yeah i mean people can call characters whatever they want to but in this case it feels a bit shallow. just refer to em as mc and ml if its not specified, like its not that hard

    shober April 20, 2021 9:47 am

    It does matter to Eastern fandom where the ship name is based on top/bottom dynamics, AxB where A is top and BxA where B is top is different. People have preferences anyway and that's okay.

    greensilverscarf April 20, 2021 4:36 pm
    It does matter to Eastern fandom where the ship name is based on top/bottom dynamics, AxB where A is top and BxA where B is top is different. People have preferences anyway and that's okay. shober

    There is no top/bottom dynamics when it's shounen ai. Original works don't advertise ship names as well, unlike doujinshi. I'm pertaining to using the uke/seme terms when there are no bed scenes involved, esp in the comment section of a work they just read. Like damn, they have names. Or if you don't remember, describe them by their hair colors or something. Or like _em said, the terms mc & ml.

    It feels like they are assigning personalities to a sex position when that's not how it works.

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