I liked this story, I can’t believe it turned into typical Yaoi with fetishization of what would normally be considered SA. I’m glad I stopped reading a while ago
Never fails to amuse me how many rape apologists there are on this website. Usually though, it’s for Yaoi stories.
Smth is up with her. Dunno if she’s a daughter of another man or if she’s someone posing as the daughter or smth, but I have a feeling she’s not duke’s biological child. Gives vibes of “I am the real one” or what was the name?
Novel has a lot of better shown aspects, etc. However, I wasn’t a big fan of Edith in the novel, so if they stop making her a self-righteous saint in the manhwa (and give Cliff what he deserves) then I’m all for it. I will like this version better. Novel was too forgiving and Edith was “kind” to the point of becoming an enabler. She wasn’t their only victim, she had no right to rid them of consequences they should’ve paid for their crimes. And Cliff is in no way qualified to lead people. Sorry not sorry, unpopular opinion, but Edith in the novel was just not great.
This is SO different than the novel. How will she pass her 3rd test then? Also, if we are changing it this much they better not give Cliff a happy ending anymore and make ML the duke instead.
I said it before, I will say it again. I don’t like her. There’s no excuse for what she did and she has no concept of respect or boundaries.
Besides father, I hate all of the dukes. He was so right hiding her. They can’t even call her by her name, they just call her “Rethium”, it pisses me off. It’s so obvious they don’t even see her as human. Ones a psychopath, another is classist and the third one is psycho too, making his sons fight the way he did. They all suck.
Doesn’t seem like he necessarily cares about ceremonies and whatnot, and he wants to spend eternity with her if he could, so I’m confused why doesn’t want to marry her. I also wonder if he can have kids as a god (I know on Greek mythology they could, but it seems like demi-gods aren’t a thing here so)
I really, really hope MC cuts off his abusive brother. It’s so hard to read. Doesn’t matter what his “intentions” are, it’s abuse plain and simple. He’s a total control freak and I need MC to put his foot down once and for all (hopefully soon). However, I have a bad feeling that author will just let things slide.
Yeah, when u think about it, it is quite suspicious that the swords saint didn’t show himself during such crucial time. I honestly doubt he got killed before that. I wonder what happened
Anyone got a link to the novel? And what chapter this is? Better yet, what chapter they divorce?
I really want FL to take control at least once, like that his strategy actually works and she snaps and takes the lead. Would be so cool to see
Just binge read it. Here are my thoughts:
1. Theo is the greenest forest omg. Also, love the strong FL even if she’s not physically strong. Tell that wanna-be-god off.
2. This “god” is so self-absorbed its honestly laughable, he thinks she will do however he pleases just because? And he’s homophobic? Lmaoo I’m so glad seeing our FL stand up to him. May you screw your heart out with your husband too (if u know what I mean) and let that creep watch every second of it. Can’t wait till she kills his ass.
3. Are we getting a gay romance? Anyone else feeling smth between Enzo and a crown prince? A gay ship in a straight manhwa, honestly I really wanna see it.
As if this story wasn’t cute and healthy already, I’m really glad they let Lala learn swordsmanship. Since they usually don’t allow that to “noble ladies” in time periods like that
I don’t think he will be able to keep that “starving out” plan going for long. That man definitely can’t hold it in for long
I don’t care if she had “good” intentions. What she did is beyond disrespectful, such invasion of boundaries. She’s old enough to know how messed up it is to pry into someone’s love life and try to set them up against their will. Not to mention, she pretty much doxxed him? Are we not gonna talk about that? She gave his phone number to strangers