o he actually offed the rapist ?? damn, i thought he only showed up with his goons to beat him up BUT THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER
gawd can that fuck ass cousin be next??
side note, this is just wishful thinking but it would be nice if we see more rapists in BL "suicide" under mysterious circumstances. oh and not just side characters, i wanna see main characters get put underground for being rapists/groomers as well

this was pretty cute, ah but it's unfortunate that the pages from chapters 2-3 are slightly out of order :C also the translation for chapters 2-3 is from esp to eng so it's pretty rough, but i'm still grateful to the person who translated 2 & 3 regardless and hopefully one day the page order gets fixed as well

the comments are hilarious
the abuser/rapist got punched a little and he didn't retaliate and suddenly ya'll green flag him and forget about all the shit that went down previously
at this point i can't even be surprised about why all the rape/abuse to love mangas are the most popular/ most read... the bar is in hell

mhm, agreed! but also because of the "he changed guys, he feels sorry for it" factor most readers are willing to forgive a lot just because the character had a slight development and did the bare minimum, that's pretty hilarious in a negative sense imo
and of course one can find a story interesting and still be critical of it, it's not mutually excusive

of course, especially when he himself was the cause of the outburst!
i understand the author's intent was to have him push euihyun's buttons to "reveal his true feelings", but it was still a shitty thing to say to someone you claim to love
ik they're gonna be end game but i'm just hoping that the author makes taeju suffer much more than just a few punches for everything he has done to euihyun so far

He never retaliate when Euihyun hits him and that's why I love him for that and I don't recall him hitting Euihyun. call me sick but I know the rapey thing shouldn't be forgiven but idc about that since that's common esp for bl, what I want to see is Taeju being desperate for Euihyun's attention and love and beg him for what he has done to him.

personally begging is not what I want to see. It's not a sign of becoming green (or yellow for that matter)
plently toxic relationships are full of begging, the person committing whatever wrong begging for their partner's forgiving, and those things can repeat over and over in real life.
what I'd find to be actually helpful and reassuring to an extent, is for TJ to give EH some fresh air: a social life (not isolation), freedom from the threat of misery (be that increased debt, incapacity to unsure the brother has a nice future, danger of being coerced into prostitution) and the freedom and independence for EH to choose however he has any sort of relationship with. In a few words: independence, safety and freedom.
Which means TJ has to work on his own possessiveness, rather than beg and keep control.

who tf takes relationship and sex tips from their partner's ex knowing full well said ex has inflicted trauma on their partner ?!<..//!??>?/
that just pissed me off sm
like instead of asking your partner what they like/dislike and opening up to them about the things you like/dislike you decided to take the advice of the ex who abused them ???? i'm losing braincells even typing this like HOW did the author consider that a good plot device!1#!!//???

he didn't go to get tips from him, he went to see what the ex did wrong so he didn't make the same mistakes. He got the urethra toy only because he found out it was something the ex didn't do with him that he could do. Also the tips about revealing his true nature instead f hiding it is what helped their relationship stay afloat. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but its fine if u think otherwise

imma be honest i don't even remember what exactly happened in the story anymore ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
regardless, i stand by what i said... personally i would not be happy with my partner if they were to meet up an abusive ex of mine to discuss my past sex experiences
they could have talked it out between each other, yk like normal couples would to keep their relationship healthy and afloat, but BL authors would rather eat glass than have couples communicate
that being said it seems i rated this 2 stars prob cause art was good or would have been 1 star soooo it's safe to say there was more to this that i disliked when reading hence why i've wiped it from my memory
i'm just leaving this here for those hyped up by the pretty cover art
the mc is drawn like a 15 yr old kid, not sure if he's actually a kid age wise since i only skimmed through the raws and i don't understand CN
also... there's a weird af egg laying scene and this manga is like 99% porn no plot
the pretty cover is bait fr... idk why this is getting uploaded here
i'm crying, and to think that I was looking forward to reading this because of how pretty the cover was
No but also where tf did the egg go. They just introduce the egg into the plot and it immediately disappears (into the dragon's ass). Like it's not ever mentioned again wtf
sameee... i insta searched for the raws, only to end up wishing to bleach my eyes afterwards
i uh... did not keep looking at the raws to find out
i'm stayin tf away from this author, based on the tags on their other works this is the most ~normal~ one