At chapter 10? No they definitely didn't, when they do the devil's tango for the first time they made it pretty clear what was happening, and that it was their first time doing it.
At chapter 10? No they definitely didn't, when they do the devil's tango for the first time they made it pretty clear what was happening, and that it was their first time doing it. HairyDoggo
i didnt mean at chapter 10, i'm on chapter 10, but like the imagination is driving me crazy back from chapter 1 i cant tell which is real or not
i didnt mean at chapter 10, i'm on chapter 10, but like the imagination is driving me crazy back from chapter 1 i cant tell which is real or not jinjin
Don't worry, when they first say "I like to move it move it" they made it pretty freaking clear of two things. 1. It's their first time 2. They're doing the do
Want a hint to know if it's not real, he "prepares" himself before they start the freak off.
im sorry, thats it????